Mathematics 390

Here is the full syllabus.

Here's my single favourite history of mathematics web site.  Look there for more information about the history of anything in mathematics.

First two chapters from our textbook.  I have also recalled the library's copy and placed it on 4-hour reserve at the library.  The entirety of the book may be viewed from the library online. 

Do we want to move the midterm to a Friday, either the one before or Spring Break?

Here's a place you may leave anonymous comments about the course.

Here's a list of resources that come to my mind quickly:
William Dunham's Journey through Genius is in Milne (QA21.D78 1990).
Ronald Calinger's A Contextual History of Mathematics is another book that connects history of mathematics with the rest of history.  It's also in Milne (QA21.C188 1999).
Browsing the library in the QA21 section in general is a good idea.  
Here are some other sources that I think highly of:
Morris Kline - Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times
Victor Katz - A History of Mathematics:  An Introduction
John Stillwell - Mathematics and Its History
Historia Mathematica
is a journal of history of mathematics - we have this in the library as well.
Ronald Calinger's Classics of Mathematics is a source book of original sources, as is Dirk Struik's Mathematical Source Book, along with Fauvel and Gray's History of Mathematics:  A Reader.  I believe all are in the library. 
Cajori, Florian, A history of mathematical notations.
I have several more sources, but this should be enough to get you started.  Tell me if you seek something.  

Here's a student-made timeline up to the end of the first millennium.  And here's a fun graphical-interactive timeline from someone online.  It doesn't follow our course precisely, but it's a good start and a place where you use to get going and then add in your own content.

Here's a website just of portraits of mathematicians.  Note that it says "Note that portraits of mathematicians from earlier than the fifteenth century are only suggestive."  Once we get ones that are contemporary (and I think we will somewhat before the 15th century), I'll start including them in my discussions. 

Here's an article about (and a link to) an online "exhibit" about history of mathematics at the wonderful Museum of Mathematics.  I have not dug through it, but I am certain there is good information here.

links by section:


Course Theme Song

Opening Day Theme Music

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The Rosetta Stone (Rosetta Stone details) - one message in hieroglyphic, demotic (later form of hieratic) and Greek.  From 196 BCE, discovered 1799 CE.  
The Reisner Papyrus (~2000 BCE) sections 
Here are some views of the Rhind Papyrus (~1650 BCE) - to give you a sense of what this relic actually is. 
Some values from and comments about the 2/n table 
The Moscow Papyrus
Here is a little bit from the Moscow Papyrus (the bit called problem 1.1 in our text).  (~1900 BCE) 
Some problems from the Rhind and Moscow - translated.  More detailed version

§1.2.2 and 1.3

Music for today

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The Berlin Papyrus (~1800 BCE)

Some about Babylonian base 60 

A nice overview of Babylonian tablets.

Babylonian quadratic solution on copy of YBC 6967  Details of original solution. (~1800 BCE) 
Bablyonian square root of 2 on YBC 7289 (~ 1700 BCE)

Plimpton 322 and some commentary, and some other information also. (~1800 BCE)


Music for today

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Thales (~600 BCE), 
Pythagoras (~500 BCE) (tuning)

A monochord
On-line piano for interval demonstrations.  
Euclid's proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
Hippasus (golden irrational)
Hippocrates and the lune, (~425 BCE)
(some good quadratrix information), (~425 BCE)
Eudoxus, (~375 BCE)
Euclid (greatest common divisor, infinitely many primes), (~300 BCE)
Erastosthenes (here's a fun link to 
Carl Sagan on the old Cosmos show talking about him [start at 3:53]),(~250 BCE)
Apollonius (~225 BCE)


Speculative ancient roman music

More Roman music.

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Archimedes (~250 BCE)  circle formula, volumes, and pi, Hipparchus (134 BCE) (and the moon).  Roman calendars.  (45 BCE)
Heron's (~50 CE) formula.
Nicomachus (~100 CE), Menelaus (~100 CE) (planar version of theorem / sphere version),  Ptolemy, (~125 CE) Diophantus (~250 CE), Pappus (~325 CE), Hypatia (~400 CE), Proclus, Eutocius, Boethius


Very old Chinese music
Annotated Bibliography assignment
Quick answers text

Outline of Chinese History.  Written Chinese numeration Image of Zhoubi suanjing (~100 BCE) 
image of nine chapters Text from nine chapters.
Contents of nine chapters (excuse the Wikipedia link - I do have this in a print source but this way I don't need to scan it here).  (1000 BCE - 200 CE) 

Sun Zi (~450 CE) Chinese Remainder Theorem

Chang Ch'iu-Chien [Zhang Qiujian] (475 CE) indeterminant problem

Wang Hs'iao-T'ung [Wang Xiaotong] (625 CE) cubic problem

Li Zhi (1248 CE) quartic problem 

Yang Hui and Qin Jiushao (1247 CE) - Approximating quartics

Yang Hui's triangle  (1261 CE based on Jia Xian ~1050 CE) 


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Baudhayana (~800 BCE) MCRTT

Vedic square doubling (-750 BCE)

Some Jain stories and many other links for multicultural mathematics. (< 500 BCE)

Son of Chajaka (~300 CE)

Bakshali Manuscript "controversy" NOVA about zero,  Anaysis videoAMS article.

Numerals (~ 850 CE)

indeterminate equations from Bakshali. 

Trig tables (499 [Aryabhata] & ~550 CE)
Varahamihira (~550 CE) Arithmetic triangle for combinatorics - perfumes made by choosing substances from a larger set

Brahmagupta (650 CE) Pulveriser (but reported in Bhaskara)
Lilavati contents (~1150 CE)
Details from Bhaskara (~1150 CE)


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An overview of "Arabic mathematics".

Some from al-jabr. (800) by al-Khwarizmi

further work from ibn Turk (830)

Early decimal point (952)

al-Haytham on geometry. (~1000)

Abu'l Wafa's finger reckoning (~975) was an influence on things like this.

al-Biruni's qibla problem (~1000)


The Rubaiyat in Farsi with Persian classical music.

Quick answers text 


Great mosque - detail.  
Friday mosque
An article about al-Khayyami and the ring of four almonds.

al-Khayyami on the cubic (1100)

§4.3-4 next time

al Samawa'l (1175)

al-Mu'taman's (1082) work with circles and chords (long article)
ibn Mun'im's (1212) arithmetic triangle


Quick answers text

Translators, Rabbits, Pisa, and more

If you want to know more (e.g. why 24?) about the Book of Squares problem, look here


Quick answers text

Dionysius Exiguus 525

More on Bede. 725
Alcuin Problems to Sharpen the Young 800
Pope Sylvester II 980
Jordanus 1250


Quick answers text 

1321 Levi ben Gerson justifies theory.  Induction

1328 Bradwardine

1340 Nicole Oresme, graphs and infinite series Harmonic diverges 

1484 Chuquet


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Room of Masks (first century BC? - Rome)

Abraham with Angels (early christian 548 AD)
Annunciation - Simone Martini (14th century) attractive but not perspective 
Madonna in Majesty - Duccio (14th century), progress is being made Last Supper
1468 Paolo Uccello - Pawning of the Host more progress
1415 Filippo Brunelleschi - Peepshow
1435 Leon Battista Alberti
1460 Piero della Francesca - Flagellation
School of Athens
1494 Luca Pacioli - actual Summa excerpts from his Summa  diagams by da Vinci  Last Supper
1525 Albrecht Dürer - St. Jerome Designer of the sitting man, Designer of the lute.  Melancholia
Perspective Example

1545 Tartaglia notes on the controversy

(some of this will get pushed to next time)

1545 Cardano - Ars Magna (both his work and Ferrari's)
1572 Bombelli


Quick answers text 

leftover from last time

1545 Cardano - Ars Magna (both his work and Ferrari's)
1572 Bombelli

1463 Regiomontanus - on triangles
1525 Rudolff's notation
1550 Riese Arithmetic book 
1553 Stifel's triangle
1514 Copernicus

1525 Albrecht Dürer  Some pictures to end the day.


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1582 Christoper Clavius (German working in Rome) last step to current calendar

1591 Viete  The Analytic Art

1650 Fermat - Last & Little, 1636 Coordinates, Areas

1650 Roberval works.

1650 Mersenne

The problem of points

1650 Pascal - Triangle (parallelogram visual), Conics (applet to visualise for circles - works for any conic section)


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1585 Simon Stevin - decimals different tunings 
1637 Rene Descartes - coordinates, normals/tangents
Rembrandt's painting
1659 Hudde & van Heuraet - works
Leibniz - 1684 derivatives, 1693 FTC


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1557 Recorde - English arithmetic

1560s Gerardus Mercator - schematic map (straight cylindrical - not Mercator) - map projection - loxodrome vs. straight

\int_0^{\phi} \sec t dt = \ln(sec \phi + tan \phi).  (stretch vertical distances as much as horizontal)

1590 Harriot - equations with curious notation
1614 Napier - logarithms
~1614 Burgi
1656 Wallis
1670 Barrow - FTC
1687 / 1704 Newton - calculus, limits in principia


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1718 DeMoivre Probability book 

1734 Berkeley - analyst
1715 Brook Taylor - series
1742 Maclaurin - calculus book excerpts book 
1757 Simpson - writing

Some §8.2 preview

1702 Johann Bernoulli - integrating rational functions
1696 l'Hospital Textbook


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Bernoulli family tree
1713 Jakob Bernoulli - large numbers
1742 Goldbach conjecture
1748 Euler - trig & FLT original introductio 
1749 Agnesi calculus book precalculus
1770 Lambert - irrational π


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1740 Emilie du Châtelet
1789 Metric Time
1751 d'Alembert - limits, otherlimits
1771 Laplace - probability
1773 Lagrange - algebra, variations
1770 Borda examples where used 
1785 Condorcet where used 
1794 Monge Descriptive image
1797 Caspar Wessel, 1806 Argand
1801 Gauß - 1796 17gon
1837 Wantzel 
1804 Germain - letters with Gauß
1808 Brianchon - theorem
1812 Poncelet

§9.1 - 9.2

Quick Answers text 

1854 Nightingale - polar area


1817 Bolzano
1821 Cauchy - derivatives, FTC
1822 Fourier Series
1837 Dirichlet

Fermat's Last Theorem

1839 Lamé
1846 Kummer
1845 Liouville
1983 Faltings 
1994 Wiles


1822 Babbage Analytical Engine
1843 Ada Lovelace
1836 DeMorgan
1854 Boole - logic algebra
1870 Jevons Logical piano 


1830 Galois - Mathematics and Berlioz more about Galois's death from Laura Toti Rigatelli's biography (1996)
1877 Sylvester
1853 Cayley


Two theme music pieces for today from the reading:

1848 Johann Strauß, Sr.
1849 Johann Strauß, Jr.

Quick Answers text 

1824 Abel - quintic
1828 Green 
1854 Riemann - Geometry
1888 Dedekind - cuts
1872 Weierstraß
1882 Klein
1871 Betti
1870 Camille Jordan


Theme music.

Quick Answers text 

1791 Banneker - Overview&c  more  1918 journal article about - Jefferson on Mathematics 

1820 Bowditch
1808 Adrain - Least Squares and more

1843 Hamilton - Quaternions - bridge1, 2, 3 - Ireland
1870 Benjamin Peirce
1903 Charles Saunders Peirce
1871 Tait - Scottish
1873 Maxwell - Scotland / England
1844 Grassman - Germany / Poland
1884 Gibbs

1867 Dodgson - commentary on mathematics - determinant theorem - England


Theme music.  
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1876 Garfield

1878 Hill - AMS
1888 Glaisher
1891 Steinmetz
1892 E. H. Moore - geneology
1896 Bolza
1895 Barnum
1898 Slaught - 1915 MAA
1905 Veblen - Topology Book

Linear Algebra

1801 Gauß substitution as predecessor to matrix multiplication
1815 Cauchy determinants (Macluarin, Cramer, Euler - nonzero determinants and unique solutions)
1844 Eisenstein noncommutative
1850 Sylvester matrix
1855 Cayley inverse matrices to solve systems, characteristic equation
1758 d'Alembert eigenvalues in differential equations
1829 Cauchy diagonalising matrices
1871 Jordan canonical forms
1878 Frobenius similar matrices and orthogonal, dimensions of solutions
1867 Dodgson


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1886 Kovaleskaya 

1829 Lobachevsky
1825 Bolyai 
1868 Beltrami 
1854 Chebyshev
1886 Markov
1882 Mittag-Leffler
1889 Poincare
1960 Lorenz
1883 Cantor
1867 Nobel
1924 Fields Medal
1900 Hilbert's_problems

1904 Lorentz
Einstein (do you really need a picture?)
1852 Guthrie - four colour theorem
1840 Möbius
1912 Hardy-Littlewood, 1914 Ramanujan

leftover from 11.2

1923 Wiener

1927 Borel - compactness in R

1923 Noether
1929 Courant
1927 von Neumann - with computer
1929 LS Hill


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1918 Hausdorff

1883 Cantor set
1906 Helge von Koch snowflake
1915 Sierpinski triangle/gasket carpet 
1926 Menger sponge

1890 Peano Space filling curves

Quotes from Menger on curves:

"We can think of curves as being represented by fine wires, surfaces as produced from thin metal sheets, bodies as if they were made of wood.  Then we see that in order to separate a point in the surface from points in a neighbourhood or from other surfaces, we have to cut the surfaces along continuous lines with a scissors.  In order to extract a point in a body from its neighbourhood we have to saw our way through whole surfaces.  On the other hand in order to excise a point in a curve from its neighbourhood irrespective of how twisted or tangled the curve may be, it suffices to pinch at discrete points with tweezers.  This fact, that is independent of the particular form of curves or surfaces we consider, equips us with a strong conceptual description."

"A continuum K is called a curve if to each point in K there exist arbitrary small neighbourhoods whose boundaries do not contain any continua.  A continuum K embedded in a space is called a curve if to any point in K arbitrary small neighbourhoods exist whose boundaries do not have any continua in common with K.  A continuum is described in the usual way as a non-empty closed set which is indecomposable (a set which, if written as a disjoint union of two closed sets, would imply that one was empty)." Menger, 1925.

A long list of fractals

1927 Hahn
1904 Lebesgue
1906 Frechet

Crisis in Foundations 

1890 Peano
1902 Frege
1902 Russell
1913 A.N. Whitehead - Principia Mathematica
1913 Zermelo - axioms for set theory
1924 Tarski
1924 Banach
1925 Fraenkel
1931 Gödel
1963 Paul Cohen AC equivalences 
1913 Brouwer


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I'm mostly skipping these. 

1938 Blanch

G.D. Birkhoff
RL Moore
Marston Morse
Enigma, again
Rejewski - Bomb
1940 Turing -  Bombe Colossus

Turing machine Simulator.  Church-Turing Thesis and computability.

1940 Joan Clarke

Alfred Tauber
Goldbach - Renyi
Garrett Birkhoff
Scholes / Black

Hanna & B.H. Neumann
Claude Shannon - article

I'm mostly starting here. 

1951 Arrow's Impossibility Theorem

Game Theory

1927 von Neumann + 1944 Morgenstern
1951 Nash 

Mathematician map

Latin America

1912 Prieto
1962 Velez-Rodriguez

Subsaharan Africa

1953 Obi
1966 Akyeampong


1603 - 1867 Culture and mathematics.

Last Day

Theme Music

Quick Answers

e (2.718281828459045 … ) 

Morse theory

Philosophy of Mathematics
Pythagoreans - cult of small number ratios
Plato - platonic ideal of some mystical reality in a superhuman place - numbers and perfect geometry, know by having some supernatural experience
St. Augustine - ties classical philosophy to Christianity.   c 400 CE
Leibniz - searches for an ideal language
Kant - moral imperative of one true geometry
Hyperbolic geometry and space-filling curves shake geometric foundations, so other foundations are sought
Brouwer intuitionism - eliminate REM, and proof by contradiction.  No existence proofs. 
Hilbert's formalism - mathematics is a meaningless fiction
Related:  Cantor's real numbers - the uncountable part is *indescribable*.  

There's another option:  mathematics is a human creation.  Aristotle didn't accept Plato's mythical ideals.  Hume and d'Alembert write of a mathematics that lacks absolute certainty, but merely human agreement.  CS Peirce writes of truth in mathematics being determined communally and of the necessity of intuition.  

Ludwig Wittgenstein 1940 Austrian.  Proofs and mathematics is true because we accept it as true.  Rules are enforced by agreement.  But then takes it further to therefore we can do it any way.  

Imre Lakatos 1964 Hungarian.  Logic is something that is an object inside mathematics, but not mathematics as a whole.  We cannot understand all of mathematics by simply knowing how logic works.  Mathematics is human, but starts at the basics that humans agree upon, not arbitrary basics, but basics connected to human experience.  

The fourth dimension 

Claude Bragdon Primer of Higher Space (1939)

    Introduction to Four Dimensional Vistas (1916)

There are two notable emancipations of the mind from the tyranny of mere appearances that have received scant attention safe from mathematicians and theoretical phyisicsts.

In 1823 Bolyai declared with regard to Euclid's so-called axiom of parallels, "I will draw two lines through a given point, both of which will be parallel to a given line."  The drawing of these lines led to the concept of the curvature of space, and this to the idea of higher space.

The recently developed Theory of Relativity has compelled the revision of the time concept as used in classical physics.  One result of this has been introduce the notion of curved time.

These two ideas, of curved time and higher space, by their very nature are bound to profoundly modify human  thought.  They loosen the bonds within which advancing knowledge has increasingly labored, reconcile the discoveries of Western workers with the inspirations of Eastern dreamers; but best of all, the open vistas, the offer "glimpses that make us less forlorn."

Indigenous Americas History

Mayan 2600 BCE - 1200 BCE - 200-900 AD Yucutan peninsula.  First zero.  

Incan 1400 -1550 CE West coast of S. America.  Quipu

Indigenous numeration - base 10 or 20 with words that reference hands, feet, toes and fingers.  Addition and multiplication are common, division less so as it presumes homogenous objects.  
Common lunisolar calendar ideas.  

Scan pp. 48, 54, 65.

Chumash (California) - base 4.
Yuki (California) - base 8 - count spaces between fingers

Bororo (Brasil) groups of 2 inside of base 20.

Hunters (based on Inuit and Ojibway ) :  numbers.  Sometimes number words are context dependent.  Much of numbers, and mathematics comes from controlling the environment or specialisation - people relying on others to do tasks for them.  Read pp. 132-133.  Shape categories “rounded” vs “elongated” not angular, as it is mostly not natural.  Awareness of practical 1, 2, 3 dimensional distinctions.  Time.  Distance as time.  

Here is something about more central north America:

Pre-European American Mathematics.  What little I know What I hope to learn next.

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