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The Rosetta
Stone (Rosetta
Stone details) -
one message in hieroglyphic, demotic (later form of hieratic)
and Greek. From 196
BCE, discovered 1799 CE.
The Reisner
Papyrus (~2000
BCE) sections
Here are some views of the Rhind
Papyrus (~1650 BCE) - to give
you a sense of what this relic actually is.
Some values
from and comments about the 2/n table.
The Moscow
Here is a little bit from the Moscow
Papyrus (the
bit called problem 1.1 in our text). (~1900 BCE)
Some problems from the Rhind and
Moscow - translated. More
detailed version.
§1.2.2 and 1.3
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The Berlin Papyrus (~1800 BCE) (not from 19th dynasty, but 12th or 13th)Some about Babylonian
base 60.
A nice overview of Babylonian tablets.
Babylonian quadratic solution on copy of YBC 6967 Details of
original solution. (~1800
Bablyonian square root of 2 on YBC 7289 (~ 1700 BCE)
Plimpton 322 and some commentary, and some other information also. (~1800 BCE)
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Speculative ancient roman music
Quick Answers text
Archimedes (~250 BCE) circle
formula, volumes,
and pi,
Hipparchus (134 BCE) (and
the moon).
Roman calendars.
(45 BCE)
Heron's (~50 CE) formula.
Nicomachus (~100 CE),
Menelaus (~100 CE) (planar
version of theorem / sphere
(~125 CE)
Diophantus (~250 CE),
Pappus (~325 CE),
Hypatia (~400 CE), Proclus,
Eutocius, Boethius
Very old Chinese music
Annotated Bibliography
Quick answers text
Outline of Chinese History. Written Chinese numeration. Image of
Zhoubi suanjing (~100 BCE)
An image of
nine chapters. Text from nine chapters.
Contents of nine chapters (excuse the
Wikipedia link - I do have this in a print source but this way I
don't need to scan it here). (1000 BCE -
200 CE)
Sun Zi (~450 CE) Chinese Remainder Theorem
Chang Ch'iu-Chien [Zhang Qiujian] (475 CE) indeterminant
Wang Hs'iao-T'ung [Wang Xiaotong] (625 CE) cubic problem
Li Zhi (1248 CE) quartic
Yang Hui and Qin Jiushao (1247 CE) - Approximating quartics
Yang Hui's triangle
(1261 CE based on Jia Xian ~1050 CE)
square doubling (-750 BCE)
Some Jain
stories and many other links for multicultural mathematics. (< 500
Son of Chajaka (~300 CE????)
indeterminate equations from Bakshali.
tables (499 [Aryabhata] & ~550 CE)
Varahamihira (~550 CE) Arithmetic triangle for combinatorics -
perfumes made by choosing substances from a larger set
Brahmagupta (650 CE) Pulveriser (but reported in Bhaskara)
contents (~1150 CE)
Details from
Bhaskara (~1150 CE)
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Preview of next few days ...
An overview of "Arabic mathematics".
Some from al-jabr. (800) by al-KhwarizmiEarly
decimal point (952)
al-Haytham on geometry. (~1000)
ibn Iraq and abu'l Wafa (~975) Rule of Four Quantities and
Spherical Law of Sines
qibla problem (~1000)
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article about al-Khayyami and the ring of four almonds.
al-Khayyami on the cubic (1100)
al Samawa'l (1175)
al-Mu'taman's (1082) work with circles
and chords (long article)
ibn Mun'im's (1212) arithmetic triangle
Quick answers text
Translators, Rabbits, Pisa, and moreIf you want to know more (e.g. why 24?)
about the Book of Squares problem, look
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