SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics
Monday, February 27
Math 239 01
Spring 2017
Prof. Doug Baldwin
My solutions, in LaTeX and PDF form, are available, either by clicking the preceding links or from the “Solutions” folder in our “Files” area of Canvas.
Question 4?
“Specialists” in Math 239 available...
Yu-Min Chung
Eleni Panagiotou
Both speakers are faculty candidates
Extra credit for writing a paragraph or so summarizing connections you make between either or both talks and your own interests.
In a proof by contradiction you negate the whole proposition, including any quantifiers.
But when using the contrapositive to prove propositions of the form “for some quantifier, if P then Q” you only apply the contrapositive to the conditional. A contrapositive is an equivalent for a conditional, so “for some quantifier, if P then Q” is equivalent to “for some quantifier, if not Q then not P.”
Complex example: what’s the negation of “for all integers m such that 2 divides m but 4 does not divide m, there exist no integers x and y such that x2+3y2 = m”?
Clearing up the quantifiers and conditionals yields “for all integers m, if 2 divides m and 4 does not divide m, then for all integers x and y, x2+3y2 ≠ m”
Begin by negating the outer quantifier: “there exists an integer m such that not( if 2 divides m and 4 does not divide m, then for all integers x and y, x2+3y2 ≠ m)”
Next negate the conditional: “there exists an integer m such that 2 divides m and 4 does not divide m and not( for all integers x and y, x2+3y2 ≠ m)”
Finally negate the inner quantifier: “there exists an integer m such that 2 divides m and 4 does not divide m and there exist integers x and y such that x2+3y2 = m”
You could then carry out a proof by contradiction, i.e., assume m is an integer, 2 divides m, 4 does not divide m, and x2+3y2 = m for integers x and y....
Section 4.1
Which of the following are inductive, and why?
Relevant reading ideas:
The even natural numbers? Not inductive, since k+1 isn’t in the set when k is.
{ n ∈ ℤ | n ≥ 0 }? Yes, for every integer k ≥ 0, k+1 is also in this set.
But the reals and rationals aren’t inductive even though k being in implies k+1 is, because they aren’t subsets of the integers.
{ 2n | n ∈ ℕ }? Not inductive. { 2n | n ∈ ℕ } = { 2, 4, 8, 16, ... } so fails the k+1 requirement.
Prove that for all natural numbers n, 2n is even.
Relevant reading ideas:
Induction examples
Try to prove the proposition above, i.e., for all natural numbers n, 2n is even. Be prepared to talk about your ideas or questions at the start of class Wednesday.