SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Absolute Extrema and Optimization

Monday, March 26

Math 223 04
Spring 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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New Things in Canvas

There’s now a set of sample exam questions with solutions available on Canvas.

There’s also a table showing how I converted numeric grades to letter grades last time I taught this course; the conversion won’t be exactly the same this semester, but historical information might give you some sense of how you’re doing.

Problem Set 7

On the chain rule for partial derivatives, directional derivatives, gradients.

See the handout for details.


Finish Absolute Extreme Values

For z = x3/3 - x2 + y2 + 2y on -3 ≤ x ≤ 3, -2 ≤ y ≤ 2

Critical points:

Candidate extreme values on boundary:

What more do we need? Values of z at the corners!

Now look for the minimum and maximum z values in all these points, and get...

Key Point

The process for finding absolute extremes; in particular remember to check boundaries and corners.

Lagrange Multipliers

Section 4.8.

A method for solving optimization problems with a constraint, i.e., problems in which you want to minimize or maximize something, but have to do it while preserving some relationship between the variables. In calculus 1 you may have seen some such problems, in particular ones where the constraint lets you express the problem as a single-variable one. Lagrange multipliers allow you to solve some optimization problems that can’t be turned into single-variable problems in this way.


Find the points on the hyperbola x2 - (y-1)2 = 1 that are closest to the origin.

Horizontal hyperbolas slightly above the origin

While not described as such in the problem, there is a function here to minimize (i.e., an “objective function”), namely the distance from the origin to point (x,y), and a constraint on x and y.

x^2-(y-1)^2 = 1 is constraint, minimize R = x^2 + y^2

So we can use the method of Lagrange multipliers, as described in the reading, to solve this. (We could also use the constraint to deduce that x2 = 1 + (y-1)2 and solve it as a single-variable problem, but we’ll use it as an opportunity to look at Lagrange multipliers instead.) Work it out in class or at least before Wednesday’s class, and come with a solution or questions we need to discuss.

Key Points

Lagrange multipliers as a technique for solving optimization problems.


Finish Lagrange multipliers.

Review questions / requests for the exam.

Next Lecture