SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions, Part 1

Thursday, February 21

Math 221 03
Spring 2019
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Only 1 of the 2 pages of problem set 3 was copied in the original handout.

The handout in Canvas has always had both pages, and a corrected paper version is available for anyone who wants it.


How to take a derivative with Mathematica? Use the D function — see the examples here and in the Feb. 15 lecture.

Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

Section 3.5.


The book proves that the derivative of sinx is cosx, and asserts that the derivative of cosx is -sinx but leaves the proof/derivation to the reader.

Let’s do that proof.

Pretty much the only way we can start, since we don’t have differentiation rules for trig functions, is to fall back on the limit definition of derivative:

Derivative of cosine is limit as h approaches 0 of cos(x+h) minus cos x all over h

Now we can remember that there’s an identity for the cosine of the sum of two angles (and look that identity up if need be):

cos(x+h) = cos x times cos h minus sin x times sin h

Next we can separate the terms involving cosine from the terms involving sine.

Limit of cos x times cos h - 1 over h, minus sin x times sin h over h

By using the difference and product limit laws, we can turn the big limit into 4 simpler ones. Two of these limits are ones to which the squeeze theorem applies, and the other two are easy to evaluate because the functions in question don’t depend on h at all:

Limit of cosh - 1 over h is 0, and limit of sin h over h is 1, by squeeze theorem

Tangent, Etc.

Now that we have derivatives for sine and cosine, the other trigonometric functions are easier, because they’re ultimately defined in terms of sine and cosine.

Derivative of sine is cosine, of cosine is minus sine; derivative of tangent follows via quotient rule

See the textbook for a complete list.


Look at derivatives of other trig functions, and practice finding derivatives and antiderivatives of expressions involving trig functions.

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