SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Substitution in Definite Integrals

Monday, November 25

Math 221 06
Fall 2019
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Substitution and Definite Integrals

“Substitution for Definite Integrals” in section 5.5.

Key Idea(s)

Apply substitutions to an integral’s bounds as well as to its integrand.


(Based on example 5.35)

Evaluate the integral from 0 to 2 of x ex2-1.

Preliminary question: Where does the “1/8” come from in example 5.35? It’s because after doing the substitution, du is 8 times bigger than what it has to correspond to in the original integrand:

Using u = 4 x squared plus 3 yields d u equals 8 x d x, integral only has  x d x

Do a similar substitution in x ex2-1. Remember to apply it to the bounds of the integral:

Plug bounds in to u equals x squared minus 1

Evaluate the integral from 0 to π/4 of 2 cos(2x) / (1 + sin2(2x)).

Hint: the antiderivative of 1 / (1+t2) is tan-1t.

The first way of doing this is to do the single substitution u = sin(2x).

Integration using substitution u equals sine of 2 x

You can also do it in a series of 2 simpler substitutions. In this case you apply the substitutions to the bounds at each step. This process reaches the same final substitution that the single substitution did, and thus the same final answer.

Integration using substitution u equals 2 x followed by v equals sine u

Problem Set

On substitution and area/volume applications of integrals.

See handout for details.


Applications of integration: area between curves.

The key idea is that the area between 2 curves can be found by integrating the difference of the corresponding functions. (Formally, think of the area as a series of rectangular slices, whose heights are the difference of the functions -- a Riemann sum.)

Area between f of x and g of x is integral of f minus g

For example, find the area between the graphs of y = x and y = x2, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1:

Integrating x minus x squared from 0 to 1

Read section 6.1.

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