Student Association
What is the Student Association?
The Student Association (SA) is the Undergraduate Student Government serviced to enhance the undergraduate student experience. SA supports numerous student clubs/organizations and is responsible for the allocation of funds, resources, and personnel to various student-focused services and programs. SA is comprised of standing and special committees that serve as advocacy and programming bodies. Further, SA amplifies and represents the student voice through recommendations to Geneseo administration.
SA Office Location
The SA Office is in the MacVittie College Union, Room 316. Visit us and learn about the services and opportunities that are available to you as a member of SA!
Meet With Us!
SA General Meetings
SA business meetings are Wednesdays at 6:15 pm in the MacVittie College Union Hunt Room. SA-funded organizations are required to send a representative, but meetings are open to everyone.
Newsletter Event Submission
We want to help promote all of the significant events that each of our clubs and organizations put together! Fill out our event promotion form to be publicized on our calendar and social media!
Purchase Orders
SA-funded clubs and organizations, and clubs with non-funded accounts are required to request a purchase order before spending money to ensure they have the funds available to make a purchase.
Meeting Minutes
Stay up to date with our clubs and organizations, as well as current SA news by reading the latest edition of our meeting minutes.
Geneseo Speaks
Geneseo Speaks is an online petitioning system that students, faculty, and staff can post to in hopes of changing the Geneseo Community. Petitions can focus on topics relating to the residence halls, CAS, academics, facilities, Student Life, athletics, etc. Once a petition reaches 75 signatures, the SA Executive Committee will recognize it. Recognized petitions will either be brought to the administration or given the newly expanded Student Senate for further discussion.
Facebook Groups
The Student Association Monitors all Official Geneseo Facebook Groups. Below you can click the link to your Class Years Facebook Group to join it and get updates pertaining to your specific class year. Our Undergraduates Page is where anything students want the whole campus to know about, can be posted and shared.