Primary tabs
Requesting Academic Accommodations
New Student Academic Accommodation Requests
New students who have not yet connected to the OAS will first complete a Public Accommodation Request (PAR) form:
1. Complete an Public Accommodation Request Form and click 'submit'
2. You may upload documentation related to your disability to the PAR, or submit it to our office separately.
3. Once your request form has been submitted, you will receive an email with instructions to schedule an appointment in Accommodate.
(with screenshots)
Current Student Academic Accommodation Requests
Supplemental Requests
Students who have already connected to the OAS and who wish to request new academic accommodations will complete a Supplemental Accommodation Request via their Accommodate Student Portal:
1. Login to Accommodate
2. Select 'Accommodation' from the left side of the screen, and then select 'Supplemental'. Complete the Supplemental Request Form and click 'submit.'
3. You may upload new documentation to your request, or submit it to our office separately.
4. Once your request form has been submitted, you will receive an email with instructions to schedule an appointment in Accommodate.
(with screenshots)