Accessibility Advocates

Accessibility advocates are students familiar with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) and who serve as an additional resource for their peers with disabilities. Accessibility Advocates can assist students with the following:

  • Help connecting with the OAS
    • Who to contact
    • Navigating the accommodations request process
    • How to use the Test Center
  • Practical problem solving
    • Emailing specific staff with issues
    • Emailing or meeting with professors
    • Schedule planning
  • Learning how to advocate for yourself
    • Explaining disability
    • How to give professors Letter of Accommodation
    • Making needs clear
    • Understanding professors expectations (e.g. student will email when misses class)

To schedule a meet-up with an Accessibility Advocate, email

Meet our Accessibility Advocates!

Access Coordinator/Program Coordinator

White woman with long brown hair wearing a purple dress

Hi!! My name is Emilee Dauphinee and my pronouns are she/her. I am in my second year of my masters program in Higher Education, Student Affairs Administration at SUNY Buffalo State University. I am very passionate about accessibility and working to create an inclusive and equitable community!



My name is Grace Quagliana and I am a junior Special and Childhood Education Major with a Concentration in English. I look forward to meeting you!! 



Hi, My name is Syble Billings. I am a Senior Sociology major with a minor in Human Development. I am super excited to be working with the Office of Accessibility and to meet everyone this upcoming school year. I myself have a learning disability and have used accessibility services through Geneseo to support my academic achievements. I hope that having this experience makes it easier to help guide other students in the right direction. 


Hello, my name is Kaitlin! I am a Sociomedical Sciences and Communications double major with a minor in Human Development. I am currently the Opinion Editor for The Lamron and in my free time, my friends and I enjoy playing pool in the Union. My goal is to promote inclusivity and accessibility not only on campus, but in the community.


Hey! My name is Grace Dorgan and I’m a Junior Sociomedical Sciences major with a minor in Biology. I’m a member of Geneseo First Response (GFR), as well as art club. I’m excited to be working with the office of accessibility and hope to encourage a more inclusive and accessible environment at Geneseo.



Hi, my name is Isabelle Hoff and I am a childhood education/ special education major with a concentration in mathematics. On campus, I am captain of the alpine ski team, I work in the school of education, and I am involved in a few clubs on campus. I have had to advocate for myself ever since I was little due to my food allergies and I would love to give back to the SUNY Geneseo community through this program. I can't wait to get to know more people and promote accessibility, inclusivity, and advocacy throughout campus.