SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Introduction to LaTeX

Friday, January 26

Math 239 01
Spring 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Writing Proofs with LaTeX

Basic Work Flow

  1. Write text document marked up with LaTeX
  2. Process that text document with the LaTeX program
  3. LaTeX gives you a nicely formatted PDF

User uses text editor to write .tex file which LaTeX turns into a PDF file

Document Concepts

Documents consist of a preamble (sets up parameters for the rest of the document) and a body (the document text)

The body may contain environments (sections subject to section-specific formatting, e.g., proofs, lists, etc.) and commands (instructions to LaTeX to do something), as well as regular text


A very simple document that illustrates the basic structure and some of LaTeX’s capabilities.

Here is the .tex file with the LaTeX commands.

Here is the resulting PDF file.

In particular, note the preamble starting with the \documentclass command and the body between \begin{document} and \end{document}; also note the distinction between regular text mode and math mode, with environments such as equation to enter math mode for a whole block of text.

Proof Example

The proof from last class that the product of an even integer with any other integer is even, written up formally via LaTeX.

Here is the .tex file.

Here is the resulting PDF.

Note the use of \newtheorem to define a theorem-like environment that can be labeled however you like, as well as the use of other math environments eqnarray for a series of equations and equation* for an unnumbered equation. LaTeX takes care of a lot of the busy-work in writing math, e.g. italicizing variables; numbering equations, theorems, etc. (if you want them numbered); using suitable typefaces to mark theorems, proofs, etc.; and so forth.

To Learn More

There’s lots of information about LaTeX available just by Googling.

My favorite LaTeX manual is the “Not-So-Short Guide,” available free online.


Logical operators and compound statements.

Read section 2.1

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