SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Back from Break — To Remote Learning

Monday, March 23

Math 223 01
Spring 2020
Prof. Doug Baldwin

Return to Course Outline

Previous Lecture


Welcome Back

Summary of Plans for the Course

We “meet” at our regular time (MWRF 1:30) via Blackboard Collaborate’s “course room.”

Meetings will be recorded for people who want to watch them later, and summarized in Canvas pages (like this one) for people who want a mainly textual version.

Problem sets are the focus of the learning; we’ll keep doing them and grading them one-on-one via video meetings (Blackboard Collaborate, at least to start with).

For grading “meetings,” you will need to have a solution ready to show me on the computer -- that could be a Word document, Google doc, photo of handwritten solution, etc. But it needs to be on a computer and sharable, and ideally there will only be one, even if you have a group solution.

I can enable you to share things through Blackboard Collaborate.


I’m wondering what to do about the second hour exam and final. I definitely want to keep assessment focused on your ability to use ideas from this course in new problems. Possibilities include...

While this isn’t a vote, I am interested in any thoughts, preferences, or questions you have. There was considerable sentiment in favor of something focused on problem sets rather than trying to recreate “classical” exams.

Speaking of Thoughts, Preferences, or Questions...

There’s a mid-semester feedback survey on Canvas that you can use to give me anonymous feedback on how this course is working for you so far.

I’d be particularly interested in any ideas you have about how to make this course most effective in “remote learning” mode.

Other Tips

Blackboard Collaborate etiquette suggestions:

For Macintosh users, Blackboard Collaborate might provide more functionality through Chrome than Safari.

For consistency with past practice, I will generally use lecture notes and Canvas announcements for course-related notices. You can set your personal Canvas account to email announcements to you if you wish.

Any time anything isn’t working for you, or you have a thought about how it could work better, or you just want me to know something, tell me! Flexibility is key.


How to interpret and start the problem set question about the formal definition of an infinite limit?

The formal definition for one dimension captures the idea that “limx→a f(x) = ∞” means that f(x) gets unboundedly big as x approaches a. Specifically, no matter how big a bound you think you can set (M), there is some region of x values near a in which f(x) is even bigger.

Graph shooting towards infinity exceeds value M when x is within delta units of a

Typically you don’t pick or find a value for M. The idea is that it can be anything, so you have to find a general argument that shows for every M there is a δ interval around a within which f(x) is bigger than M.

But looking at how that would work for a few concrete examples of M can get your thinking started. For example, consider limx → 0+ 1/x, which is a favorite example of an infinite limit:

Graph of 1 over x goes to infinity as x goes to 0 because for any M, x close enough to 0 has a bigger reciprocal

For the 2-variable case in the problem set, the main challenge is probably to generalize the 1-variable definition to multiple variables. Looking at how the textbook generalizes the 1-variable formal definition of a finite limit to multiple variables might give you some ideas.

2-variable function grows infinitely near point (a, b).


Directional derivatives.

Read “Directional Derivatives” in section 13.6.

Next Lecture