SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Conservative Vector Fields

Friday, April 20

Math 223 04
Spring 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Conservative Vector Fields

Section 6.3.


Yesterday we saw that F(x,y,z) = 〈 y cos(xy), x cos(xy) - z sin(yz), -y sin(yz) 〉is a gradient vector field with potential function f(x,y,z) = sin(xy) + cos(yz).

Find the line integral of F along the path r(t) = 〈 π/2 et-1, t, et-1 - 1 〉for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

This is painful to solve the way we’ve been evaluating vector line integrals so far, but there’s a much easier way: use the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals!

Line integral of F(r(t)) from a to b is f(r(b)) - f(r(a))

This is only relevant when the vector field F has a potential function f (i.e., when F is the gradient of f), but in this case we do have a potential function, so we can use it.

Potential function is f(x,y,z) = sin(xy) + cos(yz)

Start by finding r(1) and r(0):

Plug 0 and 1 in for t in r(t) to find r(0) and r(1)

Then plug them into the potential function and evaluate:

Evaluate f(r(1)) - f(r(0)) to get 1


Easy integration via the Fundamental Theorem isn’t the only consequence of a field being conservative. What are some others?

The following statements are all equivalent to each other:

So for what we know so far, finding a potential function for a vector field seems like a valuable thing to do, because doing it both tells us the field is conservative and gives us the tool we need for easy evaluation of line integrals.

Finding Potential Functions

Thursday’s Example

Finish the job we started Thursday of finding a potential function for F(x,y) = 〈 2xy + y2, x2 + 2xy 〉

Recall that you integrated 2xy + y2 with respect to x to get x2y + xy2 + h(y).

Integrating the first component of a vector field gives a first approximation to its potential function

How can you find g(y)? One way (though not the standard textbook one) would be to now integrate x2 + 2xy (the derivative with respect to y of the hypothetical potential function) with respect to y, and then try to reconcile the two results (both should be the same potential function). When we do this, we get

Integrate the 2nd component  of a vector field to get a second approximation to the potential function

Since the two results are the same except for g(y) and h(x), we can conclude that g(y) and h(x) can represent constants, but not anything that involves y (which g(y) could introduce, but h(x) could never match) or x (for similar reasons). Thus we conclude that the potential functions for this field are all of the form f(x,y) = x2y + y2x + C where C can be any real number.

This approach feels a little vague when it comes to deciding what g(y) and/or h(x) would have to be in order to make the two integrals equal (up to a constant). There’s a slightly different approach that avoids this, which is presented in the text, and which we’ll pick up with Monday,

Key Points

The idea of conservative vector fields.

The idea of potential functions.

The fundamental theorem of line integrals.

There are easy ways to evaluate line integrals in conservative fields.


Finish conservative vector fields, potential functions, etc.

Read “Conservative Vector Fields and Potential Functions” and “Testing a Vector Field” in section 6.3.

Next Lecture