SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Course Policies

Tuesday, August 30

Math 223 01
Fall 2022
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Anything You Want to Talk About?

(Nothing not covered below.)

Course Policies

Based on the syllabus.


Installing Mathematica should go smoothly if you follow CIT’s instructions. You will need to sign up for a Wolfram account, and may get an access code along the way, but those things should be straightforward and happen semi-automatically. Let me know if this is not the case.

What you need to know about Mathematica will be covered in class.


Highlights of grading, as demonstrated by looking at the hypothetical grades recorded in Canvas for “Test Student”:

True or false: “Even if I don’t turn in homeworks or come to class, I can still scrape by if I get passing grades on the tests.”

This is false. There are no traditional tests in this class. Instead, each problem set has elements of a low-stakes, mini-test, built into it. This is captured by the phrase “distributed oral exams.” It’s also why meeting in real time to talk about each problem set is an essential part of grading. The net effect, as far as I can tell from past semesters, is to reduce exam stress, but also to make the problem sets super important. While mastery grading gives you a lot of flexibility re problem sets — you can redo them, you can turn them in late, etc. — you absolutely must grade all (or at least almost all) of them by the end of the semester.


Where do you go to buy it?

You don’t, it’s free online.

If you find a mistake in the textbook, is there anything you can do about it?

Yes. Tell me about mistakes you find, and I can probably fix them in the textbook.

We took a quick look online at how it’s organized.

Office Hours

When are my weekend office hours?

There are none. While I try to have very open office hours during the day Monday to Friday, I tend to be protective of time outside that block because I need it to do the things I can’t do while holding office hours during the days.


3-dimensional coordinate systems.

Please read “Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems,” “Distance in R3,” and “Writing Equations in R3,” all from section 1.2 of the book.

Remember that “read” doesn’t mean study it until you understand it all perfectly. It means study it — all of it — until you feel prepared to come to class with either (or both of) questions to ask about what you read, or one or more key ideas from the reading that you can identify in a sentence or phrase. Discussions and in-class problems will give you a chance to improve your understanding from the reading, and problem sets and discussion of them will eventually give you a chance to get even better.

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