SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Math 223 01 — Calculus III

Fall 2022
Prof. Doug Baldwin (he/him/his)

Last modified August 26, 2022

Time and Place: MTWF 8:30 - 9:20 AM, South 336

Final Meeting: Tuesday, December 20, 8:00 - 11:20 AM

Instructor: Doug Baldwin
Office: South 307
Phone: 245-5659
Office Hours: Any time Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, when I’m not committed to something else. See my Google Calendar for details and to make appointments electronically. You don’t need to make appointments to see me, but I recommend it in order to be sure I’ll be available. I find that office hours are most effective when they’re in-person in my office (South 307), but if you prefer we can also meet via videochat. I will have an open Google meeting at when I’m available, or you can set up some other way of talking when you make an appointment.

Online Course Materials:

Until now, your “official” education in math (you may, of course, have learned more than you were “officially” taught) has used a very straightforward notion of what a function is: a function has one argument, and produces one result from that argument. Calculus III considers what happens when we broaden that view to include functions that have more than one argument, or that produce more than one result, or both. In particular, we will consider what it means for such a function to have a limit, how you might differentiate or integrate such a function, etc.

We will also look at some of the real-world uses of multivariable and vector-valued functions (those are the technical names for functions with multiple arguments and multiple results, respectively). There are lots of applications, because most of the real world needs multiple values to describe it — atmospheric scientists think of air temperature as a function of latitude, longitude, and altitude (and time); physicists compute forces in terms of both how strong they are and what direction they push in; the list of examples goes on through many other natural and social sciences. My own interests are particularly caught by applications of this material to computer graphics — any time you see a 3-dimensional surface in a computer game or animation, you are probably looking at a multivariable and/or vector-valued function.

Prerequisite(s): Math 222

Learning Outcomes: On completing this course, students who meet expectations will be able to…

  1. Represent vectors analytically and geometrically, and perform vector calculations
  2. Use vector equations to represent lines and planes
  3. Analyze vector functions to find their…
    1. Derivatives and tangent lines
    2. Integrals
    3. Arc length and curvature
  4. Compute limits of functions of 2 and 3 variables
  5. Compute derivatives of functions of 2 and 3 variables
  6. Apply derivative concepts to…
    1. Find tangent lines to level curves
    2. Solve optimization problems
  7. Evaluate double and triple integrals
  8. Use multiple integrals to find area and volume
  9. Recognize gradient vector fields
  10. Find potential functions
  11. Evaluate line integrals directly and by the fundamental theorem
  12. Use technological tools such as computer algebra systems or graphing calculators for visualization and calculation of multivariable calculus concepts.

Teaching Mode

This course is designated as “face-to-face.” That means that class meetings will be in person as much as possible, although it doesn’t rule out occasional online activities.

For each topic we study, I will generally follow a pattern that begins with you reading (or maybe watching a video, etc.) about the basic ideas of that topic, then talking about it in class. After each class meeting, I will produce a summary of the key ideas, questions, and answers from it, and post the summary online. Perhaps every one to two weeks, I will ask you to try working with ideas more on your own via a homework exercise. You will also meet with me to discuss each of these exercises and to hear my feedback. Each of these aspects of the course, i.e., readings, class conversations, notes, homework, and meetings, contributes to your learning; you will find it easiest to get the most out of the course if you do all of them. However, there is also a certain overlap between the different parts of the course, so that if you can’t do one, especially if it’s only for a limited time, you can probably make up for it by working a little harder with the others. So if, for example, you have to miss some class meetings for illness or family emergencies, don’t panic! You should still be able to participate and succeed in the course through the other channels. Naturally, not engaging with enough of the course will eventually lead to an unrecoverable situation, but the course format deliberately accomodates occasional situations in which you can’t do everything.

Books and Other Resources


The (required) textbook for this course is

LibreTexts, Math 223 Calculus 3

This is a free online text adapted from other open educational resources for this course. You can read it online at


One of this course’s goals is to develop your awareness of technological tools for graphing and otherwise working with multivariable and vector-valued functions. We will use Mathematica, a popular symbolic math system. You will need a copy of Mathematica installed on your computer. Follow the instructions for doing this at

Online Resources

Materials from the last time I taught this course are available at

Course Schedule

Note that the following dates are best estimates. They may change as our actual needs become apparent. Refer to the Web version of this syllabus for the most current information; I will keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Major course modules and activities
Aug. 29 & 30Introduction
Aug. 30 - Sep. 93D Analytic Geometry
Sep. 9 - Sep. 20Vectors and their Use in 3D Geometry
Sep. 20 - Oct. 4Vector-Valued Functions
Oct. 4 - Nov. 2Multivariable Functions and their Derivatives
Nov. 2 - Nov. 15Integrals of Multivariable Functions
Nov. 15 - Dec. 12Vector Calculus

Grades and Such

Grading in this course will be very different from what you are used to. The main reason for the unusual grading is that I am trying to consciously undo some of the small ways in which conventional grading unconsciously disadvantages certain students. But beyond removing disadvantages for some, I believe that what I am doing also offers significant advantages to everyone.

Key Ingredients

There are 3 main ways in which grading in this course will probably differ from what you have seen before.

The Details

“Achieving” an outcome has two components: content, i.e., what ideas you know, and depth of understanding, i.e., how thoroughly you understand those ideas. This course’s learning outcomes define both components. Generally speaking, the nouns in the outcomes correspond to content, i.e., things you will learn about. Verbs in the outcomes indicate depth of understanding, i.e., things you will understand the content well enough to do.

I will give you a numeric grade for each outcome in an exercise, based mainly on the discussion of solutions and similar problems — in other words, getting the right answers matters, but is not the only, or even the main, determiner of your grade. Grades range from 0 to 4, as follows:

General per-exercise mastery rubric
4Mastery as required by the learning outcome throughout the exercise
3Approaching the required mastery; you can explain how to solve most problems arising from the exercise, but make mistakes in the details of doing it
2Partial mastery; you can correctly solve most problems but not explain how you solved them
OR you can explain how to solve most problems, but not put those ideas into practice
OR you can explain and correctly solve some but not most of the problems
1Initial steps towards mastery; you can begin doing the exercise but not carry solutions to completion or explain how you would do so
0No understanding of this outcome yet

Although I will grade each exercise, mastery grading isn’t about how you do on any specific one. It’s about how well you’ve achieved outcomes by the end of the course. To that end, there are two other important points about exercises and their grades:

You will “turn in” each exercise by sharing your solution with me during one of your individual meetings. During that meeting, we’ll go over your solutions and answer any questions you have about them, and we’ll also discuss how you came up with those solutions and how you would approach similar problems.

Finally, when this course ends I will give you a letter grade for it based on the numeric grades. My approach to this is that B grades (including B- and B+) indicate that you generally met the expectations of the course, A grades that you distinctly exceeded them, and grades below B- that you fell short to varying degrees. However, I won’t decide the exact cut-offs between grades until the end of the semester, when I see how grades actually worked in practice. During the semester, you can use the mastery rubric as a qualitative guideline to how you’re doing — for example, it says that 3 out of 4 points, or 75%, is “approaching the required mastery,” so an overall average of 75% should indicate that you’re doing OK but maybe not quite as well as desired. I will be happy to discuss your grades with you at any time during the semester and give you my sense of what letter grade, or range of letter grades, I think you are heading for.

Working Together

Assignments in this course are fundamentally learning exercises. You are therefore welcome to help each other with them, unless specifically told otherwise in the assignment handout. However, solutions that you turn in must represent your own understanding of the solution and must be written in your own words, even if you got or gave help on the assignment.

If you use sources other than this class’s textbook or notes in order to do an assignment, you must include a comment or footnote citing those sources in your solution. Similarly, if you get help from anyone other than me you must acknowledge the helper(s) somewhere in your solution. (But note that I generally think learning from outside sources and people is a good thing, not a bad one.)

I will penalize violations of this policy. The severity of the penalty will depend on the severity of the violation.

Students’ Right to Language

To foster a more inclusive, diverse, and safe space in this class, all students have a “right to their own language”, i.e., a right to speak, write, and think in the language forms or dialects they grew up with or identify themselves in. Therefore, while written and spoken communications in this class need to get your meaning across to your audience, they do not need to follow standard U.S. English (unless that is your personal preference for yourself). With that in mind, as you exercise your right to your language, please also be respectful of others as they exercise their right rather than implicitly or explicitly requiring them to code-switch.

A Note on Notation

Students’ right to their own language notwithstanding, mathematical notation and terminology matter. Even though they may seem arcane, each symbol and technical term has a specific meaning, and misusing symbols or terms (including not using them when you should) confuses people reading or listening to your work. Therefore, correct use of mathematical terms and notations will be a factor (albeit probably a small one) in grading assignments in this course.

(The same applies to me, by the way: if you think I’m not using terms or notations correctly, or you just aren’t sure why I’m using them the way I do, please question me on it.)

Calculator Policy

Mathematica, calculators, and similar automatic tools for doing math may not be used on homework exercises except where explicitly permitted.

(Since this may seem like a strange rule, here is the reason for it: as math students you face a dilemma concerning calculators. On the one hand, no-one in the “real world” does math by hand that a machine can do instead, and one of the goals of this course is even to introduce you to a “machine” tool for math; on the other hand doing math by hand does, over time, build intuition for how and why it works the way it does. So I think you should both learn to use calculators — or, for this course, Mathematica — and at the same time practice doing without them. So some homework exercises will explicitly let you practice with Mathematica, but those that don’t are deliberately places to practice doing without its help.)

Academic Support Services

The college provides a range of support services to help students thrive in their classes. Of these services, the one best suited to this course is the Math Learning Center. For more information, including hours and procedures for scheduling a visit, see the MLC website at

Other on-campus tutoring services include the Writing Learning Center ( and a range of department-based tutoring centers.

The SUNY-wide STAR-NY system ( provides online tutoring in a wide variety of subjects.

For more information on these and other academic support services, see the Academic Support Services website at


SUNY Geneseo is dedicated to providing an equitable and inclusive educational experience for all students.

The Office of Accessibility will coordinate reasonable accommodations for persons with physical, emotional, or cognitive disabilities to ensure equal access to academic programs, activities, and services at Geneseo. Students with letters of accommodation should submit a letter to each faculty member and discuss their needs at the beginning of each semester. Please contact the Office of Accessibility Services for questions related to access and accommodations.

Office of Accessibility Services
Erwin Hall 22
(585) 245-5112

Under state law (Education Law, Section 224-a) students are excused from course requirements, such as examinations, class attendance, or other academic study and work requirements, for religious observance. You can make up any work missed in such circumstances without penalty. Geneseo’s complete policy on religious observances, with links to common holidays, is available at

Individuals on active military duty (including National Guard and Reserve service) are entitled to excused absences from classes during their period of service and will not be penalized in any way. See the College Bulletin for more on this policy.

If there is anything else I can do to make this class or its materials easier for you to access or use, please let me know.

Geneseo offers many other services to help students succeed. For a list of some, see