SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics


Monday, August 29

Math 223 01
Fall 2022
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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…to Math 223, Calculus 3.

I’m Doug Baldwin.

I’ve been teaching at Geneseo for 30+ years, but most of them were in computer science. When Geneseo eliminated its computer science program, I moved to math, where I teach a mixture of traditional math courses and courses that explore mathematical foundations of computer science. My research interests are in computer graphics, which is an area that very nicely combines math and computing. Which leads to…

What This Course Is About

In very short form, it looks at what happens when you relax the idea that a function must have one input variable and one output variable.

Y equals F of X with Y and X crossed out; instead X, Y, and Z equal G of A and B

For examples, consider computer animated snakes (because… why not?):

If you think about how you might describe such a thing, you run into all sorts of applications of “multivariable” and “vector” mathematics.

X, Y, and Z equal function S of T, S of T might be the 3-tuple sine T, T, and 0

X, Y, and Z equal S of T and A

All of these ideas (i.e., higher dimensional coordinates, vector-valued and multi-variable functions, derivatives and integrals of such things, etc.) are the subject matter of this course.


Please introduce yourselves to each other.

In particular, find someone sitting near you who you don’t already know, and introduce yourselves.

(This is more than just a nice social thing. This class will involve a lot of in-class problem-solving, and these introductions help you at least sort of know someone you can work with when that starts happening.)


Course policies, as laid out in the syllabus.

Please read the syllabus by class time tomorrow. (Not as in “memorize every word of it,” but as in “identify things that are unclear, which we should talk about in class, or different enough from what you’re used to that they are worth remembering.”)

In class, we’ll answer questions you have about the syllabus, and I’ll probably ask you some questions that get at things that I think are important in it.

That pattern, of you reading something before class, and then using class time for me to answer your questions about it, and all of us to discuss some questions or problems that I think are central to the material, is how most class meetings will work.

The syllabus is online. You can find it through the link above, or through Canvas. Which suggests that a brief look at our Canvas space is worth taking. The main take-away from that tour is that the “Modules” section is where to go for just about everything for the course: daily class notes, handouts, etc.

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