SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Review of Line Integrals

Monday, December 10

Math 223 01
Fall 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Sample questions are now on Canvas.

Friday, December 14, 8:00 AM.

Comprehensive, but with emphasis on material since last hour exam (e.g., multiple integrals, line integrals, vector fields, Green’s Theorem, etc.)

Designed for 2 hours, you’ll have 3 1/3.

Rules and format otherwise similar to hour exams, especially open-references and calculator/computer rules.

I’ll bring donuts and cider.

Review Session

11:30 - 12:30, Fraser 202A (our usual classroom), tomorrow.


7 responses. Thank you!

But there’s still time to submit more, and they’re helpful to me.


More or less focused on material in the last problem set (e.g., line integrals in vector fields, Green’s theorem, etc.)

Question 1 Part 3

In particular, how to determine if the field in question is conservative, and if so, how to use that fact.

If the field is conservative, you might want a potential function to use with the fundamental theorem. So start by trying to find that function, i.e., asking whether the field is the gradient of some function, and if so what function.

Circular path; is vector field the gradient of some function?

Use our usual process of alternating integrations and differentiations to find a supposed potential function whose partial derivatives form the components of the field:

Integral of field's x component is xy, which differentiates to give y component

Having successfully found a potential function, you can conclude that the field is conservative. And further, realizing that the path around which you’re integrating is closed, you don’t even have to evaluate the potential function: circulation integrals of conservative fields around closed paths are always 0.

Potential Functions

Another example of finding a potential function, more challenging than just 2 dimensions.

Consider one of the book’s exercises: is F(x,y,z) = ⟨ yez, xez, xyez ⟩ conservative, and if so what is its potential function?

Is vector field the gradient of some function?

Start with the x component of the field. If there is a potential function, this component must be its derivative with respect to x, so integrate with respect to x to get a first version of the potential function:

Integrating x component of field yields xye^z + g(y,z)

This leaves us with a potential function with an unknown term g(y,z). To learn more about it, see how the derivative of the potential function with respect to z compares to the third component of the field (if there isn’t a potential function, this choice of looking at the z component next felt likely to reveal that fact sooner than looking at the y component would), and what g(y,z) would have to be to make them equal:

Derivative of f wrt z equals z component of field, so g(y,z) is only h(y)

Now we have a better approximation to the potential function, but with an unknown term h(y). Find it by comparing the derivative of f with respect to y to the second component of the field.

Derivative of f wrt y equals y component of field, implying h(y) is just a constant

Finally, we have the complete potential function (or as complete as possible, there’s still a constant of integration):

Potential function is xye^z + C

Regular vs Line Integrals

What is the difference between a regular integral and a line integral?

A regular (single-variable) integral basically integrates a function as you move along an axis, whereas a line integral integrates a function as you move along an arbitrary path through its inputs.

Regular integral looks at function above an axis, vs line integral looking above any path in x,y

Choosing a Method

A comparison to ways to evaluate vector line integrals:

Standard Method Fundamental Theorem Green’s Theorem
Always Usable Yes
For Conservative Fields Yes Yes Sometimes
For Closed Paths Yes Sometimes (Integral=0) Yes

Next Lecture