SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Mass and Moments as Multiple Integrals

Friday, November 9

Math 223 01
Fall 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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History of Calculus Colloquium

Next Wednesday (November 14), 2:30, Newton 202.

Presented by Professors Johannes and Towsley.

Up to 2 points extra credit for attending and writing a paragraph on your reactions, connections to the ideas, etc. (but not just a summary of the content).


Integration for Finding Masses and Moments

Section 5.6.



Indiana Jones and the Pyramid of Peril.

Treasures suspends pyramid, otherwise pyramid falls and releases deadly snake

Indy could either tie the pyramid to another rope so that it doesn’t fall, but for better dramatic effect in the movies, he’ll carefully balance it so that the center of mass is exactly over the point.

Close-up of the pyramid (units are meters and kilograms):

Upside-down pyramid with height 1, density 4z+xy+x

Where is the center of mass of the pyramid?

We have a lot of building blocks for answering this question in the textbook’s formulas. For example formulas for the coordinates of the center of mass in terms of moments and total mass.

Center of mass is x-bar, y-bar, z-bar where, e.g., x-bar = moment about yz plane divided by mass

We also have formulas for the mass and moments as integrals involving density.

Mass is the integral of density over the volume; moment is integral of position times density

Applying these integrals to our problem is mostly a matter of figuring out what the bounds should be. Figuring out the z bounds is easy (0 to 1). Then looking at a side view of the pyramid and asking how x (for example, y is identical) depends on z can give you expressions for the other bounds (-z to z).

From side, pyramid has x (and y) ranging from -z to z

Using these bounds, we have an integral for mass:

Integral from 0 to 1 of integral from -z to z of integral from -z to z of density

And a similar one, in particular with the same bounds, for moments:

Triple integral from 0 to 1, -z to z, and -z to z of x times density

Now use Mathematica to find the coordinates of the center of mass. Here’s a notebook that does it. Notice that it takes advantage of a feature you haven’t seen before, namely the ability to give a name to an expression that you’re going to use again. This can make it clearer what you’re doing in a Mathematica session, particularly in a case like this where you’re solving some multi-step problem.

Key Points

Equations for

Naming results or expressions for reuse in Mathematica.


Line integrals - integrating a function along a path through its arguments.

For example: what’s the area of the back wall of the greenhouse from Thursday?

Greenhouse subtends 90  degree angle along radius 1 circle, roof height is 4 = (x^2+y^2)

Read “Scalar Line Integrals” in section 6.2.

Next Lecture