SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Breadth First Search
Tuesday, January 29
CSci 242, Spring 2013
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Problem 3 from graphs problem set (two people in any group of n > 2 have the same number of friends in the group)?
- [Discussion developed a graph version of the theorem and considered several ways to solve it. Not shown here because people who assign or write textbook problems would prefer not to have solutions widely available on the Web.]
Breadth First Search
Try it by hand

- See
- A computer player can find a path towards its goal (aka “endzone”) by using breadth first search
- Graph uses vertices to represent squares on the board and (undirected) edges to represent the ability to move from one square directly to another
- Source vertex for breadth first search is the one the pawn is currently on
- Modify breadth first search so that it stops as soon as it finds any square in the endzone
- That square is necessarily the one with the shortest path—this follows from Corollary 22.4 (that vertices are enqueued in increasing order of distance) and the fact that a queue is a FIFO structure
Hand out BFS problem set
Depth first search
Read Section 22.3
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