SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

CS Methods of Inquiry


CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Mini-Assignments and Reading Summaries

Interest survey

Labs tomorrow, I'll hand out exercise there

Reading Summary

Chapter 1

Computer science = science of computing

Algorithms: pseudocode, computer language

Chilling time example

Methods of inquiry

Mini-Assignment and Game

The game

What does this have to do with computer science?

Strategies for doing well in this game?

Which algorithm will do better?

Empirical analysis: e.g., confirm that in many real games, halving algorithm always requires no more guesses than random card algorithm

# Cards Halving Random
4 3 4
8 4 8


Introduction to algorithm design

Read Chap. 2 through Sec. 2.6

Mini-Assignment: Design an algorithm for the robot described in the book that makes the robot move forward until it comes to a wall.

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