SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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This is Computer Science 141, Introduction to Computer Science
I'm Doug Baldwin
What is this Course About?
Computer Science as the science of algorithms
"Algorithm" = process for solving a problem
3 methods of inquiry
- Design (of algorithms, programs, hardware, ...)
- Theory (mathematical)
- Experimentation
Where computer scientists work:
- Software companies
- Hardware companies -- Computers as devices
- In this room: 7 + 10 (calculators) + 11 (phones) + 10 (watches) + 2
(motion sensor) + thermostat + palm pilot
- Users of information (NASA, insurance co's, banks, gov't agencies: census,
social security, defense)
Why should you take (or not) this course
- To learn to think in ways that computer scientists have found productive
(and others could too)
- Not to learn more and snazzier
ways to use computers (consider CSci 219, or the Computer Applications or
IS minors)
Review other stuff from Syllabus
Introduction to the methods of inquiry
Read Chap. 1
Mini-Assignment: Devise a strategy for this game:
- I lay n cards in front of you.
- You have to find the one I consider "special", by selecting any
subset of the cards and asking "is it in this subset?"
- I'll answer "yes" or "no"
- Your goal is to find the special card in as few questions as possible
- (I can be as mean as I like, as long as I don't go back on things I've
already done)
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