SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Object Oriented Programming Concepts


CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Problems with CodeWarrior and robot?


"Gateway labs" = self-paced, on-line, reviews that will exist but don't yet -- ignore references to them in book

Reading Summary

Chapter 2 through Section 2.6

Object oriented programming

Objects, e.g., robots. Instance of class

Methods = how object does what it does, set of instructions object follows to do something

Classes = e.g., all robots, so object is part of class

Preconditions = variables set before program, e.g., size of room, constraints on parameters

Postconditions = results from program

Abstraction: client and implementor don't need lots of details about each other

Subclasses = subsets of a class

Expressions = e.g., x * y, concatenation of strings

Values = what you can get from expressions


Expand a little on the last items from the reading summary, look at some concrete examples of algorithms that use objects.

No reading or mini-assignment

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