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Testing Center
Students with approved testing accommodations may make an appointment to take their exams in the Testing Center, located in Erwin Hall 22. Appointments should be scheduled at least 72 hours (3 business days) in advance of the scheduled exam/quiz to give us sufficient time to make arrangements. If you experience difficulty making an appointment, or have missed the 72-hour window, please contact us.
Starting Fall 2023, all Testing Center appointments will be managed through Accommodate.
Contact Information
Location: Erwin Hall 22
Phone: 585-245-5112
Fax: 585-245-5091
Hours of Operation
Fall/Spring Semesters: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm
Summer and Winter Breaks: By Appointment
Federal Holidays, Spring and Fall Breaks: Closed
At this time, the Testing Center and its services are only available to students with approved exam accommodations. Please contact with any questions.