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Testing Center Procedures for Faculty
Students with approved exam accommodations may take their exams/quizzes at our Testing Center, located in the OAS (Erwin Hall 22).
To take an exam/quiz at the Testing Center, students must schedule an appointment via Accommodate 72-business hours in advance of the scheduled exam/quiz. If the student has missed the 72-hour window to make an appointment, we will contact you to make arrangements. Please do not administer 'pop' quizzes without first consulting with the OAS.
FYI: a) The scheduled end time will not change for students who are more than 10 minutes late b) Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for a test will not be permitted to take the test in the Testing Center without permission of the faculty c) Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed into the testing room.
Procedures for Uploading and Obtaining Exams
You will receive an email notification when an exam request is ready to be reviewed/uploaded.
Quick Steps for Completing an Exam Form:
- Log into Accommodate
- Click on 'Courses & Exams' > Click on the name of the course
- Click on the 'Instructors: Exam Form' tab > 'Add New Exam'
- Complete the exam form
- You may return to the exam form here later to upload a copy of the test 24 hours in advance (return to steps #1-3, and click the exam form link)
- Contact the Testing Center to make changes to exam details/upload an updated copy of the exam
- Click 'Submit'
Note: Instructors complete just one exam form (not for every student test request). If you have already completed the form and uploaded the exam, all details and the exam will attach to any pending, approved, or future student test requests for that exam.
Detailed Steps for Completing an Exam Form (with screenshots)
Obtaining a Completed Exam in Accommodate:
- Log into Accommodate
- Click on 'Courses & Exams' > Click on the name of the course
- Click on the 'Completed Exams' tab
- Navigate to the student test request
- Click on the 'Completed Exam' hyperlink to download exam
If you have any questions regarding Testing Center procedures, please contact, or give us a call at 585-245-5112.
Applying Extended Time in Brightspace
Students receive their exam accommodations for timed, remote assessments regardless of the location they are taking the exam/quiz. Please follow the steps below to apply extended time to exams/quizzes in Brightspace:
- Navigate to your course roster.
- Click on the context menu (the downward facing arrow) of the learner to whom you want to grant a quiz accommodation, and then click Edit Accommodations.
- To grant a learner additional time on a quiz, under Quizzes > Timing, select the Modify Time Limit check box and then grant the time either in terms of quiz time multipliers or minutes:
- To grant the additional time in terms of quiz time multipliers, select the Multiplier of original quiz time radio button and specify the number of times. For example, 1.5 times more than the original time on the quiz.
- To grant the additional time in terms of minutes, select the Extra time radio button and specify the number of extra minutes.
- Click Save
- This will apply to all future exams and quizzes for this course
Please email with any questions or concerns.