
The Versioning Machine was conceived in 2000 by Susan Schreibman, who remains its Founding Editor. She gratefully acknowledges the Digital Humanities Observatory, the University of Maryland Libraries, the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, and the New Jersey Institute of Technology for their generous support. She also thanks her colleagues, the programmers, designers, and literary scholars, who have so graciously given their time, skills, and energy to the development of the Versioning Machine.

The Versioning Machine Development Team

The Versioning Machine 4.0 (released July 2008)

Version 4.0 updated the Versioning Machine to support documents encoded with using the recently released TEI P5 guidelines, as well as greater support for prose documents and images, and various performance enhancements.

The Versioning Machine 3.2 (released July 2007)

The Development Team for the Versioning Machine 3.0 - 3.2 included Susan Schreibman, Ann Hanlon, and Sean Daugherty, as well as:

The Versioning Machine 1.0 (released May 2003) and 2.0 (released December 2003)

The Versioning Machine debuted at the 2002 ALLC/ACH (Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing / Association for Computers and the Humanities) Conference in Tübingen, Germany. Version 2.1 supported the following new features: support for multiple web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla 1.7+ and Firefox 1.0+ (with all Mozilla-based browsers functioning on Windows and Macintosh); the ability to statically transform documents to HTML prior to upload; the pretransformed HTML gave greater access across multiple browsers, including Netscape 7.0 and Mozila 1.3+ (Windows and Mac), Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows), and Safari 1.2+ (Mac). The Development Team included Susan Schreibman and Amit Kumar, with the assistance of:

Other Contributions