If A is a CFL then there is p such that if s is string in A of length at
least p then s = uvxyz such that…
uvixyiz is in A for all i ≥ 0
|vy| > 0
|vxy| ≤ p
Proof uses parse trees and pigeonhole principle and…?
Example: anbmcnm
Assume L is context free
Let s = apbpcp^2
v & y can’t be just as and bs because pumping would violate product
Similarly v & y can’t be only cs
Consider c and b being pumped (only posibility due to |vxy|≤p requirement)
If r bs are pumped need pr cs to be pumped
Violates |vxy| ≤ p requirement
Also, neither v nor y can contain 2 or more of a, b, c without violating order
when pumped, although the previous cases by themselves are enough for the
Deterministic context free languages
Read section 2.4 up to but not including Theorem 2.43