Covers material on finite automata and regular languages
Might logically fit better on Monday, Feb. 15
Which do you prefer? Wednesday!
“Flatland” movie
This afternoon (Feb. 10), 2:30, Newton 201
Non-Regular Language Proofs
Set of postfix/prefix expressions
Postfix: operators after operands
Use 1-digit numbers and +, - operators
So 12+ means 1+2 = 3
12+7- means (1+2) - 7
Need to “balance” digits and operators, so same ideas as for
balanced parentheses
Maybe set up x = 1st operand, y = 2nd operand & operator
Beware! This can be pumped to produce more valid postfix expressions, but
you want to show that some valid string can be pumped into an invalid one,
and you don’t generally have enough control to pick x and y this
Another idea: n operands require n-1 operators
So let s = 1p+p-1
y in first p symbols implies y is only 1s
So xynz has too many operands (if n>1) for its operators
Set of infix arithmetic expressions w/o parentheses or precedence
e.g., 1+2-4, 7-2
Maybe these must be non-regular because they can be transformed into postfix
expressions, which we know are non-regular?
Neat hint at “reduction,” a technique for reasoning about one
problem by transforming it into another
But it doesn’t apply here
Infix expressions without parentheses are actually regular, they’re
recognized by an NFA:
Where do strings x, y, and z in pumping lemma come from?
Parts of long string s that take DFA to a cycle of states, around that cycle,
and from it to an accepting state
More pumping examples, particularly focused on “real” languages
and broad capabilities of finite automata
Also using closure properties of the regular languages to prove non-regularity