Covers material on finite automata and regular languages
Might logically fit better on Monday, Feb. 15
Which do you prefer?
Problem set question 2: regular expressions for languages in 1.6a and 1.6e
Non-Regular Languages
Section 1.4
Motivation for way to prove non-regularity
Pumping lemma
Sufficiently long substrings imply regular…?
More precisely… If L is regular, then sufficiently long strings in L
are “pumpable”
“Pumpable” = string w has 3 parts x, y , z, i.e., w = xyz, and y
can be “pumped” back into string, i.e., xyiz is in L
And |y| > 0, y non-empty
|xy| ≤ p
p = pumping length
“Sufficiently long” w means |w| ≥ p
What about all 1-symbol strings over some alphabet?
Pumping lemma holds vacuously
Converse (if L is pumpable, then L is regular) is not generally true
Set of strings over { (, ) } in which the parentheses are balanced is not regular
Notice s = (p)p = xyz is in L
|s| > p
|xy| ≤ p implies y = (k
xyiz has to be unbalanced, i.e., not in L, for all i ≠ 1
Contradiction! Since we implicitly assumed L to be regular at the beginning,
and everything else followed from that assumption, L must not be regular
after all
More examples
Mini-assignment: show that the set of postfix arithmetic expressions over some
simple alphabet (e.g., +, -, ×, /, and 1-digit numbers) is not regular
Google what “postfix” arithmetic is if you need to