SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics
Monday, April 9
Math 239 01
Spring 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin
Inserting pictures into LaTeX documents: One (of several) ways is to use the \includegraphics
command from package “graphicx”. Here is a short document
that demonstrates this command. Note that the image has to be produced outside LaTeX.
Section 5.5.
Describe an indexed family of sets containing 4 members whose ith member is the set containing -i, 0, and i. What is the indexing set for your family?
Here is one solution, in which sets are indexed by the letters “b,” “c,” “d,” and “e,” which is fine although it makes the notion of the “ith set” a bit hard to follow (ideally indices are values that make intuitive sense in whatever context the indexed family arises in).
Ab = {-1,0,1}
Ac = {-2,0,2}
Ad = {-3,0,3}
Ae = {-4,0,4}
{ Aa | a ∈ Λ }, where Λ = {b,c,d,e}
= { Ab, Ac, Ad, Ae } = { {-1,0,1}, {-2,0,2}, {-3,0,3}, {-4,0,4} }
Note that despite all the new terminology and notation, the indexed family of sets just comes down to a set of sets.
Here’s a solution with indices that capture the idea of “ith set” a bit more closely.
Af = {-5,0,5}, A6 = {-6,0,6}, A7 = (-7,0,7}, Aπ = {-π,0,π}
Λ = { f, 6, 7, π }
This family is { Af, A6, A7, Aπ }, again really just a set of sets.
Consider the indexed family {Ai | i ∈ ℕ} with Ai = { 0, i2 }. What is the union of all of the Ai? What about the intersection?
An example of a member of this family: {0,4}, which would be set A2.
Since each member of the family contains 02 and i2 for some natural number i, and every natural number is the index of some member, the union of all the members is the set of perfect squares:
Note that unions or intersections over an indexed family are unions or intersections of the members, and so produce a set of their elements, not another indexed family.
The intersection of all the members is the set {0}, since it’s the only element that appears in every member of the family.
Letting the universal set be the non-negative integers,
is the same (by de Morgan’s Law) as the complement of the intersection, i.e., the set
of all non-negative integers except 0.
Indexed families as sets of sets with subscripts (aka the index) to pick out individual elements.
Operations on the members of indexed families, particularly union and intersection.
Introduction to functions.
Read section 6.1.