SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Exercises and Such

Math 230 02
Spring 2017
Prof. Doug Baldwin

Last modified August 9, 2017

These are the assignment handouts and similar material from Math 230 02 (Programming and Mathematical Problem Solving). Send comments, questions, etc. related to these documents to Doug Baldwin.

  1. Lab 1—Expressions and Functions
  2. Lab 2—Vectors
  3. Lab 3—Plotting
  4. Lab 4—Matrices
  5. Homework 1—3D Plotting
  6. Lab 5—Functions the Make Decisions
  7. Lab 5 Extra Credit—Decisions without If
  8. Lab 6—Finding Zeros with Newton’s Method
  9. Lab 7—Numerical Integration
  10. Lab 8—Image Processing
  11. Homework 2—An “Eliza” Program