SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics
Friday, March 24
Math 230 02
Spring 2017
Prof. Doug Baldwin
Random names are stressful.
Is there an alternative that encourages engaged reading with less stress?
A review sheet and less time pressure would be nice.
I can definitely do a slightly shorter test next time, and the final automatically has more time.
Maybe old test(s) as study guides but not review sheets per se (old tests seem to require more involvement from you).
Post grades on Canvas.
I’ll look into this.
Continue one-on-one grading, labs, extra credit.
Why homework vs lab?
Homework projects involve working a little more independently
Look at Math 384, Computational Graphics, for the fall.
Why function handles?
Function handles let you have variables whose values are functions
Example: write a function that takes another function, f, and two x values, x1 and x2, as arguments, and that returns the amount by which f changes between x1 and x2 (i.e., f(x2) - f(x1)).
Relevant ideas or questions from reading
when creating an anonymous function, but, for example
creates a handle to existing tan
functionHere’s the function we developed
function [ d ] = deltaF( f, x1, x2 )
%DELTAF Find the change in function f between x1 and x2
d = f(x2) - f(x1);
And here are some examples of it in use:
>> deltaF( @tan, 0, 1 )
ans =
>> f = @(x) x^2 - 3
f =
>> deltaF( f, 0, 1 )
ans =
>> deltaF( @(x) x^3 + x, 0, 1 )
ans =
Come up with an example that you can use as a test case for your Newton’s method function, i.e., an instance of Newton’s method finding a root that you can carry out by hand so you know what the result should be, but that you can also use to test the Newton’s method function you’re about to write.
Lab time for Newton’s method.