SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics


Wednesday, January 17

Math 223 04
Spring 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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This is Math 223, Calculus 3.

I’m Doug Baldwin.


A reference against which the math department can assess how well this course has taught you calculus at the end of the semester.


The secret true purpose of calculus: computer animated snakes!

OK, maybe this isn’t quite the only reason for calculus, but it illustrates a lot of things we will look at this course. Specifically, this course extends much of what you know about calculus to more than 2 dimensions.


How this course will work and the underlying approach to learning.

Read the syllabus.


What sort of things help you learn something new?

Many of these ideas correspond well with my own experience learning and teaching, and with research on learning.

Particularly the importance of doing things with the ideas you’re learning, not just hearing or reading about them.

So this course will have a lot of opportunities to practice calculus, notably through in-class problem solving and discussion, and frequent out-of-class problem sets.

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