Material since start of semester (e.g., 3D coordinates and surfaces, vectors
and their products, lines, planes, vector-valued functions, their derivatives,
limits, integrals, arc length, muPad)
Maybe curvature, maybe not
Whole class period
4 - 6 short-answer questions
Open references (book, notes, computer), closed person
Can use calculators, CASes, etc.
How to get multiple lines on one plot in muPad?
List multiple plot objects in plot command
Integrating Vector-Valued Functions
Section 13.2
Integrate each component
Fundamental theorem applies: definite integral from a to b = difference
of anti-derivatives at b and a
Projectile motion
Integration in muPad
How fast do I launch a ball up a ruler?
Range = 32.5 inches
Angle = 60 degrees
Could derive time in terms of range and angle as an initial value problem
Or could take advantage of the fact that the book already did that, use its formula
If that ball is launched at an upward angle of 60 degrees from the origin
with horizontal component parallel to <1,1,0>, what is the equation for its
3D version of projectile motion analysis book does for 2 dimensions
Do work this one out from first principles, i.e., by integrating from acceleration
v0 = 120 in/sec
We’ll finish this tomorrow
See if you can figure out how non-zero horizontal velocities get in