Helpful to me in teaching this (or other) courses in future
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End tomorrow!
Dec. 17 (Thursday), 8:00 AM, usual classroom
Comprehensive but emphasizing material since 2nd hour exam (e.g.,
multiple integrals, line integrals, vector fields, conservative vector fields,
Green’s Theorem, etc.)
Rules and format similar to hour exams, especially open references
Except designed for 2 hours, you have 3
Donuts and cider
Divergence and Curl
What they mean
Divergence measures whether flow is diverging/expanding (positive) or
converging/contracting (negative)
Curl is a vector about which field is circulating
But neither “circulation” nor “divergence/convergence”
are exactly what you intuitively think of them as when looking at,
e.g., a plot of a vector field
Find divergence and curl of F(x,y,z) = 〈 xy, yz, zx 〉
Parametric surfaces
Consider what parameterization 〈 cosu, sinu, v 〉 looks
like as u and v vary
Parameterizing by independent u and v yields a surface in 3 dimensions
muPad can do these plots via plot::Surface
Example — a sphere
Can find normals to parametric surfaces, e.g., for computing surface area