SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Course Policies

Wednesday, August 28

Math 221 06
Fall 2019
Prof. Doug Baldwin

Return to Course Outline

Previous Lecture


Please fill out Maddy’s survey re SI times


Syllabus Discussion

See syllabus handout or online copy


Problem sets, e.g., this one from last semester, will start with a list of abilities I expect you to demonstrate by the time you finish the problem set.

Suppose a hypothetical student displays exactly those abilities, no more and no less. What grade would they get? Why?

8/10, because they met expectations but didn’t exceed them.

Some examples of common ways to exceed expectations include...

Suppose you end the semester with a grade average of 70%. What letter grade would you expect to get for the course?

70% would probably be a B. I shift the numeric-to-letter mapping down to account for the fact that I give lower numeric grades than usual.

Office Hours

Which of the following are times you could see me? Why or why not?

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 5:00, so...

Books, Etc.

Where do you get the textbook?

Online, either PDF via Canvas or web-based

What, if anything, do you need beside the textbook? Where do you get it?

Mathematica, from Geneseo.

Late Policy

(And pop pre-calc review)

How late does a 10-point problem set have to be in order to get a grade of 0 (i.e., in order for its grade to round to 0)?

The compound late penalty means that an assignment that would have gotten 10 points if turned in on time, but that is t days late, gets a grade of 10 × 0.9t.

10 points penalized 10% per day compounded means grade is 10 times .9 to the number of days

Since I round grades to the nearest whole number, the grade becomes 0 if it is less than 0.5. So…

Take base 0.9 logarithms to find that 10 times 0.9 to the t being less than 0.5 implies t greater than about 28

Time and Place

Where do we meet Thursday?

Sturges 104


A preview of calculus.

Look at section 2.1

Next Lecture