SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Introduction to Backtracking

Thursday, April 18

CSci 242, Spring 2013
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Dynamic Programming Question from Exam

Casino with n games played in increasing order, game i wins $wi, moving from game i to j costs $mij

W(i) = max expected winnings for playing game i and later

Answer is W(0), with w0 defined as the money you enter with


    let W[0..n] be a new array
    W[n] = wn - mn∞
    for i = n-1 down to 0
        q = -mi∞
        for j = i+1 to n
            if W[j] - mij > q then q = W[j] - mij
        W[i] = q
    return W[0]

Breaking Substitution Ciphers

Systematically replace each letter of the alphabet with some other to convert plaintext to ciphertext

For example

Breaking a substitution cipher is essentially search for the right reverse substitution

How might you do this algorithmically?

        for w = 1 to number of words
            l = length of word w
            for each word X of length l in dictionary
                try substituting X for word i until a substitution “succeeds” (i.e., no contradiction, user accepts phrase)
            if nothing succeeded, go back to word w-1 (backtrack)

Recursion makes backtracking easier to realize

    boolean solve( w, ciphertext, dictionary, substitutions )
            // true = solved, false = not solved
        if w > length of ciphertext
            offer substitutions to user
            if user accepts
                return true
                return false
            l = length of word w
            for each X of length l in dictionary
                update substitutions, checking for contradictions
                if update possible
                    if solve( w+1, .... )
                        return true
            return false


Algorithmic knowledge for breaking substitution ciphers

For Tuesday: Hash tables

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