SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Correctness of Insertion Sort
CSci 240, Spring 2007
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Problem Set 9 extended 'til Monday Mar. 6
Proofs about loop invariants always induction
- If loop invariant holds in one iteration, then it holds in next
Insertion Sort
Prove that insertion sort leaves A in ascending order
for ( i = 1; i < A.length; i++ ) {
for ( j = i; j > 0 && A[j] < A[j-1]; j-- ) {
k = A[j-1];
A[j-1] = A[j];
A[j] = k;
- Main (i) loop invariant: A[0..i-1] is in ascending order at
beginning of loop
- Step 1: prove that "i" loop exits
- Each iteration reduces "distance" between i and A.length
- i.e., A.length - i gets smaller by 1, and the loop exits
when this number is 0
- Step 2: prove that "j" loop exits
- Each iteration reduces distance between j and 0
- Step 3: Prove that loop invariant holds for inner loop
- Invariant: A[j] through A[i] are in ascending order
at beginning of inner loop
- Base case: when loop starts, j = i, A[j..i] only has 1 element,
must be in order
- Induction (mini-assignment)
- "If invariant holds at start of some iteration, does it hold
at start of next?"
- i.e., assume invariant holds at start of iteration k-1,
show that it holds at start of iteration k
- i.e., assume at start of k-1 iteration, A[j..i] in ascending
- What will j be at start of next iteration?
- j-1
- i.e., show that at end of this iteration, A[j-1..i] in
ascending order
- Each iteration A[j-1] switches with A[j] if A[j] was
less, i.e., would not be ascending order after
j decreased by 1 (could prove switch correct too)
- And original A[j-1] is less than A[j+1] by main loop
![[Inserting Value into Sorted Array Section at Position j]](insertion.png)
- Step 4: Prove invariant for i loop
- i.e., A[0..i-1] is in ascending order at beginning of loop
- When i = 1, A[0..i-1] = A[0..0], 1 element, vacuously
- If at the start of some iteration, A[0..i-1] ascending, then...
- When inner loop exits, A[j..i] ascending
- j = 0: Inner loop invariant implies A[j=0..i] ascending
- A[j-1] <= A[j]: outer loop invariant says A[0..j-1]
ascending (since i-1 is at least j-1),
- and A[j-1] <= A[j],
- and A[j..i] ascending
- Collectively imply A[0..i] ascending
- Therefore A[0..i] ascending at the end of that iteration
- ... Therefore at start of next iteration, A[0..i-1] ascending
even though i has changed, increased by 1
How fast are these sorting algorithms?
Read section 9.1 through 9.1.3 (pages 275 through 281)
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