SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Binary Search
CSci 141, Spring 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
Hand out Lab 7
First hour exam next Tuesday, March 2
- Covers material since start of course
(Object oriented abstraction, Proof,
Experiments, Conditionals, Recursion,
Induction, Recurrences)
- Whole class period
- 4 - 5 short-answer questions
- Open book, open notes, open computer
- Closed person
- Sample Exam on the Web
- Elegance is good
Lab data analysis?
- Given list of times in mS
- How to relate average of worst case to closed
form from recurrence
- e.g., average worst case time = 760 mS
- Key idea is growth with n
- Averages for multiple values of n
- Compare to 2n-1 for the same n's
n |
Avg Time |
2^n - 1 |
const of prop |
10 |
567 |
1023 |
1.8042328042 |
15 |
900 |
32767 |
36.407777778 |
20 |
2000 |
1048575 |
524.2875 |
25 |
3500 |
33554431 |
9586.9802857 |
30 |
7000 |
1073741823 |
153391.689 |
Practice test, question 3
- How to change code for timing
- Put calls to System.currentTimeMillis around
Induction and upcoming test?
- Proofs could be anything from pure prose
(e.g., proof about non-mathematical algorithm), maybe with pictures, to
pure math (e.g., closed forms)
- Clear rigorous logic is vital
int sumEvens( int n ) {
if ( n == 2 ) {
return 2;
else {
return n + sumEvens( n - 2 );
- f(n) = 1 if n = 2
- f(n) = 3 + f(n-2) if n > 2
Prove that f(n) = (3n-4)/2 is a closed form for
- Induction on n
- Base case, n = 2
- (3n-4)/2 = (3*2 - 4 ) /2 = (6-4)/2 = 1
- = f(n) from recurrence
- Induction hypothesis
- Assume f(k-2) = (3(k-2)-4)/2
- Show f(k) = (3k-4)/2
- f(k) = 3 + f(k-2) from recurrence
- = 3 + (3(k-2)-4)/2 by induction hypothesis
- = 3 + (3k-6-4)/2
- = 3 + (3k-10)/2
- = 6/2 + (3k-10)/2
- = (6 + 3k-10)/2
- = (3k-4)/2
Binary Search
End-to-end design, correctness, and performance
analysis example.
Search a section of a sorted array between
positions low and high for a value x. Return true if
x is there, false if not.
![[Search for x Between Positions low and high of A]](binarysearch.gif)
Look at element n/2, see if < x, > x, or = x
- Return true if =
- Search top half if < x
- Search bottom half if > x
boolean search( A, x, low, high )
if ( low <= high )
mid = (low + high) / 2
if ( A[mid] < x )
return search( A, x, mid+1, high )
else if ( A[mid] > x )
return search( A, x, low, mid-1 )
return true
return false
Try to prove that this works
- Induction on number of elements between positions low and high, i.e., n
= high - low + 1
- Base case, n = 1
- Oops, problem with test for a trivial failing search (original "if
( low < high )" corrected above)
- Try again... oops, recursions don't solve smaller problems
- Note: The fact that we are considering recursive messages in the proof's
"base case" at all indicates that there's really a simpler base case
for the proof that
would correspond more closely to the algorithm's base case.
- (Original "mid" in recursive messages corrected to "mid+1" and "mid-1"
- Finish the analysis of Binary Search
- This will be after break, as we have the test Tuesday and I am out of town
Thursday. I'm trying to arrange tours/talks on the "behind-the-scenes"
computing infrastructure at Geneseo for Thursday.
Next Lecture