SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
with Recurrence Relations
CSci 141, Spring 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
First hour exam next Tuesday, March 2
- Covers material since start of course
- (Object oriented abstraction, Proof, Experiments,
Conditionals, Recursion, Induction, Recurrences)
- Whole class period
- 4 - 5 short-answer questions
- Open book, open notes, open computer
- Closed person
- Sample Exam on the Web
Timing worst case in lab: n = 25
- n = length of array section
Counting "elses" in analyzing algorithms?
- e.g., thereAndBack
- It's the actions in the test that are being
Recurrence Relations
Section 7.2.2
Building a "bridge" between algorithm and
recurrence function
Make functions for number of times
algorithm executes something from algorithm
- Make recurrence for function
- Find closed form of function by looking
for pattern
- Prove via induction (like in lab)
Same approach for implicit parameters
Can also use recurrence relations to determine
abstract execution time
- Real time is proportional to recurrence
- e.g., powerOfTwo is really inefficient
Recurrences become more useful as algorithms
get more complicated
Practice with Recurrences
Here's an algorithm to move a robot n tiles
forward, then bring it back to where it started,
facing in its original direction. How many
primitive robot messages (i.e., messages defined
for Robot) does it send?
// In some subclass of Robot...
void forwardAndBack( int n ) {
if ( n > 0 ) {
this.forwardAndBack( n-1 );
- Recurrence (warning: the following isn't really a recurrence relation)
- M(n) = 5n + n
- Base case, n = 1
- Move 1
- Recursion, does nothing
- 5 more messages
- = 6 messages total
- n = 2
- Move 1
- Recursion (n=1)
- 6 messages
- 5 more messages
- = 12 messages
- Generalize pattern to n + 5n
- Or (preceding required detailed tracing of algorithm, it wasn't a recurrence
relation. Truly using recurrence relations simplifies a lot of algorithmic
details that aren't really relevant to how many steps the algorithm executes)
- f(n) = 6 messages sent directly
- + f(n-1) from recursion
- if n > 0
- f(n) = 0 if n = 0
- Plug values in for n, look for pattern
- f(0) = 0
- f(1) = 6 + f(0) = 6
- f(2) = 6 + f(1) = 6 + 6
- f(3) = 6 + f(2) = ...
- Or work from n down
- f(n) = 6 + f(n-1)
- = 6 + (6 + f(n-2))
- = 6 + (6 + (6 + f(n-3)))
- Looks like f(n) = 6n
- Prove that recurrence and "6n" are the
same function
- Base case, n = 0
- f(0) = 0 from recurrence
- = 6 * 0
- Induction
- Assume f(k-1) = 6(k-1)
- Prove f(k) = 6k
- Since k-1 >= 0, k > 0
- So f(k) = 6 + f(k-1) from recurrence
- = 6 + 6(k-1)
- = 6k
This algorithm computes the sum of the even
numbers from n down to 2, given the preconditions
that n is even and n >= 2:
int sumEvens( int n ) {
if ( n == 2 ) {
return 2;
else {
return n + sumEvens( n - 2 );
- How many arithmetic operations does this
- Recurrence
- f(n) = 1 if n = 2
- f(n) = 3 + f(n-2) if n > 2
- Patttern spotting
- f(2) = 1
- f(4)= 3 + f(2) = 3 + 1
- f(6) = 3 + f(4) = 3 + 3 + 1
- f(8) = 3 + f(6) = 3 + 3 + 3 + 1
- # of 3's looks like (n/2 - 1)
- Suggests f(n) = 3(n/2 - 1) + 1
- f(n) = (3n-4)/2
- Prove this closed form equivalent to recurrence
as a mini-assignment
Next Lecture