SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin
Learning center closes for Thanksgiving starting Tuesday
Stack class contains a List member variable
class Stack
private List items
// push, pop, constructor,isEmpty
// work by sending messages to items
// and changing items
Object pop ()
Object temp = items.first()
items =
return temp
Stack is a subclass of List
class Stack extends List
// push, pop, etc. work by sending List
// messages to "this"
Object pop()
Object temp = this.first()
this =
return temp
Stack class contains an array as member variable
class Stack
private Object[] items
// push,pop, etc. put things into or take
// out of array
BinaryTree insert( x )
if this.isEmpty()
return new BinaryTree( x, new BinaryTree(), new BinaryTree() )
if x less than root
this.setLeft( this.left().insert(x) )
return this
else //x >= root
recursion on right subtree
Allowing duplicates requires simple change to searches
Recall the Towers of Hanoi puzzle
Algorithm to move n disks from pole "source" to pole "dest", via pole "spare"
solve( n, source, dest, spare )
if n > 0
solve( n-1, source, spare, dest )
move 1 disk from source to dest
solve( n-1, spare, dest, source )
This runs in Theta(2n) time
Can you find a faster algorithm? (Mini-assignment)