SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin
Learning center closes for Thanksgiving starting Tuesday
Lower bound (on solution time)
Recall the Towers of Hanoi puzzle
Algorithm to move n disks from pole "source" to pole "dest", via pole "spare"
solve( n, source, dest, spare )
if n > 0
solve( n-1, source, spare, dest )
move 1 disk from source to dest
solve( n-1, spare, dest, source )
This runs in Theta(2n) time
Can you find a faster algorithm?
How could you answer this rigorously?
What can you deduce the algorithm must do, given rules of puzzle
Has to move all n disks
Rule: large disks can't be on small
Bottom disk has to move at least once
Other n-1 disks must be off source pole and stacked in tower on 3rd pole
How did the n-1 disks get into tower on 3rd pole?
There must some best algorithm for moving towers
Black box algorithm can't be better than best algorithm, can't use fewer moves to move n-1 disk tower than best algorithm would use
Let B(n) be the number of moves the the best algorithm uses to move an n disk tower
Black box algorithm must use at least B(n-1) moves to move n-1 disks to 3rd pole
So black box algorithm uses at least
After biggest disk moves to destination for the last time, an n-1 disk tower has to move onto its top
So black box algorithm uses at least
This reasoning applies to the best algorithm
Closed form
B(n) >= 2n - 1
Mini-assignment: prove above closed form
Read Section 16.3 (open problems)