SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Tree Traversal


CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Exam 2 next Wednesday (Nov. 19)


Strong Induction and Trees

Count the nodes in a tree:

    int size() {
        if ( this.isEmpty() )
            return 0
            return 1 + this.left().size()
                     + this.right().size()

How many primitive tree messages?

Recurrence relation for messages, f(), in terms of number of nodes, n

Find a closed form

Prove this by strong induction on n


Traversal = visiting every node in a data structure in order to do something with it

e.g., compute a tree's height

Hint: height is precisely defined as follows:

        if ! this.isEmpty()
            leftHeight = this.left().height()
            rightHeight = this.right().height()
            if leftHeight > rightHeight
                return 1 + leftHeight
                return 1 + rightHeight
            return 0

Mini-assignment: work out efficiency of the above version of "height" vs one that sends "height" messages wherever it needs left or right subtree heights

Postorder traversal - visit subtrees first, then root

Also preorder, in-order


Inserting new items into a binary search tree

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