SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Problems Concerning Lower Bounds
CSci 141, Spring 2005
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
Hand out Lab 14
End-of-semester stuff
- SOFI's next Monday (May 2)
- Need czar/czaritza (Drew)
- Final
- Monday, May 9, 8:00 AM
- Comprehensive but biased towards trees,
- Similar rules and format to hour exams
- 3 hours, designed for 2
- Donuts and cider
Open Problems re Optimality
Section 16.3
- Questions about lower bounds often "open"
- Problem is tractable vs intractable
- Factoring
- Something done to intractable problems?
- Optimization problems
- NP problems - are they really intractable?
What does this all mean to you?
- Internet commerce & cryptography
- All depends on factoring integers
- Can you give your copy of Internet Explorer
to your friend in France?
- Copyright issues
- Export of encryption technology
- Strength of encryption, i.e.,
length of integers that have to be
- What if P = NP?
- NP = non-deterministic polynomial time
- Pragmatically: lots of problems that
are intractable on our computers
- Non-deterministic algorithm for factoring
- i.e., factor( n ) returns <x,y> such that x*y = n
- Non-determinism is....
- Processing all possibilities at once
factor( n )
for all possible x's between 2 and n/2 (simultaneously)
if x divides n
return < x, n/x >
- So someone discovering that P = NP would be a "non-constructive" proof
that factoring is
- ...Which would be bad for people who rely on current public-key cryptography,
except they wouldn't know how long it would be before someone found
the fast factoring algorithm.
Non-deterministic computers?
- Parallel computers - constant number of
- DNA computing - "just" parallel computing?
- Quantum computing
Even harder problems
Read sections 17.1 and 17.2
Next Lecture