SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
CSci 141, Spring 2005
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
I'm out of town tomorrow and Friday
- Prof. Zollo lectures Friday
Text input with buffered reader?
- Looked at a Sample Program that reads and prints
a text file line by line
Limits of Computing
Is there a faster algorithm for solving the
Towers of Hanoi?
Sections 16.1 and 16.2
- Asymptotic relations for problems rather than
specific algorithms
- Lower bound = asymptotic expression that is
fastest possible solution, least possible
execution time
- Algorithm is optimal if its asymptotic running
time is lower bound
- 16.2 - Towers of Hanoi
- Define function M(n) for number of disks that
have to be moved to solve n-disk problem based on problem's rules via
recurrence that reflects limits of problem
- M(n) = 1 if n = 1
- M(n) >= M(n-1) + M(n-1) + 1 if n > 1
- Closed form is M(n) = 2n - 1, which is lower
bound for Towers of Hanoi
- Also running time for standard algorithm, so
it was optimal
- Lower bounds for searching and sorting
- Searching: lower bound is Θ(logn)
- Sorting: lower bound is Θ(n logn )
Other Lower Bound Examples
- Determine whether a set of n items has a
member satisfying some property (e.g.,
does the set contain anything green)
- Adversaries control set
- Searchers only ask to see 1 item at a time
- Both teams know the property
- Both teams know n
- Try it
- n = 5
- Property = "is it a toy"
- Questions: ////
- By choosing the set as questions are asked,
adversaries can force n questions
Open problems
Read Section 16.3
Next Lecture