SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
and Algorithms, Part 2
CSci 141, Spring 2005
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Hand out Lab 5
The "printA" Algorithm
printA( n )
if n > 1
print "AA"
printA( n - 1 )
print "A"
Mini-assignment: finish proving that it prints
2n-1 A's
Proof by induction on n
- Base case, n = 1
- printA(1) executes "else", prints 1 A
- 1 = 2*1 - 1 = 2n - 1
- Induction hypothesis: assume k-1 >= 1 and
printA(k-1) prints 2(k-1) - 1 = 2k -3 A's
- Show printA(k) prints 2k - 1 A's
- k > 1, so printA(k) executes "then"
- Prints 2 A's
- Calls printA(k-1), which prints 2k - 3 A's
- (by induction hypothesis)
- Total number of A's printed = 2 + 2k - 3
= 2k - 1
Prove (by induction) Friday's other claim about
this algorithm: that it prints an odd number of A's
- Base case, n = 1
- Algorithm prints 1 A, which is odd
- Induction hypothesis, assume it works for
n = k-1, i.e., printA(k-1) prints an odd
number of A's
- Induction step, show when n = k, printA(k)
prints an odd number of A's
- k > 1 so printA prints 2 A's
- Calls printA(k-1) which prints an odd
number of A's
- Total number of A's is odd, because
odd number printed recursively + 2
must be odd
- Definition of odd integer is an integer of the
form a = 2i + 1
- i.e., for k-1, algorithm prints 2i + 1 A's for
some integer i, (2i + 1) + 2 = (2i + 2) + 1 = 2(i+1) + 1 which
is odd by definition
Towers of Hanoi
solve( n, source, dest, spare )
if n > 0
solve( n-1, source, spare, dest )
move 1 disk from source to dest
solve( n-1, spare, dest, source )
![[Induction Reasons About Moving the Top n-1 Disks]](towerproof.gif)
Prove that this really always solves an n-disk
towers of Hanoi puzzle, n >= 0
- i.e., that solve( n, source, dest, spare )
moves an n-disk tower from source to dest
and never puts big disk on small (or drops
disk off pole)
Induction on number of disks, n
- Base case, 1 disk
- Recursively moves 0 disks, does nothing
- Move the 1 disk to dest
- Recursively does nothing
- Or n = 0
- Algorithm does nothing
- Never puts big on small
- Does move all n disks from source to dest
- Vacuous truth: any statement about
all members of an empty set is true
- Induction hypothesis: solve(n-1...) where n-1>= 0 will correctly
move n-1 disk tower from
source to dest
- Show solve( n, .... ) correctly moves n-disk
- Algorithm recursively moves n-1 disks to
spare pole, correct by induction hypothesis
- Moves bottom-most (biggest) to dest
- (No violations of big-on-small)
- Second recursion correctly (by induction)
moves n-1 disks from spare to dest
- (No big-on-small since all smaller
than disk already on dest)
Deriving the number of steps a recursive
algorithm executes
Read Section 7.2.1
Next Lecture