SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
and Algorithms, Part 1
CSci 141, Spring 2005
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
Binary digits needn't be static
- But no obvious object to handle it
A Review/Preview
Recall the bracket algorithm
// In some subclass of Robot...
bracket( n )
if n > 1
this.paint( Yellow )
this.bracket( n-1 )
this.paint( Yellow )
this.paint( Yellow )
Contrast to iterative version
- Two loops, careful about ends/starts of
- vs one recursion -- simpler structure
Summary of how this works
![[Base and Recursive Cases for Drawing Brackets]](bracket0211.gif)
- Hey! The "summary" was really an induction argument for why
the algorithm works!
Proofs about Recursive Algorithms
Read Section 7.1.2
Way to prove things about recursive algorithms
Use small problem to prove large problems
Base case
- Prove algorithm eventually stops
- Really: Proves algorithms correct for
smallest problems, which is where
recursion stops
Induction hypothesis
- Only use when preconditions all hold
Can be used for algorithms that return values
Weak vs strong induction
- Strong induction = claim is true for all
- Weak induction = use smaller set of numbers
- ???
- Really:
- Induction step, prove something about k
- Strong: assume true for all numbers < k
- Weak induction: assume true just for k-1
Example Proofs
What do you think this prints?
- 2n+1 A's
- Odd number of A's
printA( n )
if n > 1
print "AA"
printA( n - 1 )
print "A"
Prove it
- 2n+1 A's
- Or maybe 2n -1 -- when n = 1 algorithm only
prints 1 A
Prove printA(n) prints 2n -1 A's
- Base case, n = 1 (induction on n)
- Executes "else", prints 1 A
- 1 = 2*1 - 1 = 2n - 1
- k-1, assume k-1 > 1 and
printA(k-1) prints 2(k-1) - 1
= 2k - 3 A's
- (You actually want to assume that k-1 >= 1, so that k-1 can be a number
to which the base case applies)
- Implies k > 1 so
printA(k) executes "then",
- Prints "AA"
- Calls printA again which prints
2(k-1) - 1 = 2k - 3 A's
- By induction hypothesis
Mini-assignment: finish proof
Next Lecture