1. What do we do in Yoga Club?

We perform yoga poses to prepare ourselves for meditation.

2. Do I need to pay a fee?

No, there is no fee.

3. Do I need any experience with yoga to participate? Is this a big commitment?

No experience or familiarity with yoga is required or expected. Student coordinators will lead the asanas and guide the discussion. You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you like, attend every meeting or only one, but there are always opportunities to go further. We encourage you to talk to the coordinators if you are interested in getting more involved. As you have pobably already learned, finding time for more is a balancing act, so time management is essential.

4. What if I'm not flexible?

Everyone has to start somewhere! Also, most of the asanas that we perform are not very physically challenging, so don't let flexibility worry you.

5. What should I wear when I practice asanas?

Loose, comfortable clothing is best, to maintain modesty and to provide freedom of movement. No special clothes, outfits, or equipment are needed or desired.

6. Should I bring a yoga mat?

It is recommended to bring a blanket, towel, or yoga mat for cleanliness and comfort.

7. What is the purpose of Yoga Club?

The purpose of the club is to promote self-discovery that leads to self-knowledge.

8. How do yogis greet one another?

They use the word and gesture Namaskar. Namaskar means "I salute the Light within you with all the charms of my mind and all of the cordiality of my heart." The gesture (mudra) is formed by bringing the palms together and raising them to the point between the eyebrows (trikuti) and then lowering them to the heart.

9. Will the practice of Yoga make me feel happier?

Yes, and even more than happy, if you are fortunate. There are many stages of happiness. Yoga will help you attain the first level of happiness, which occurs when the body, emotions, and mind become balanced and aligned, leading to a state of calmness. The second level is increased insight and compassion. The ultimate level of happiness if Bliss, the real goal of Yoga. Bliss is defined as infinite happiness. Bliss occurs when the mind touches the infinite. The mind can touch--or be touched by--the infinite only by transcendent experiences. Meditation is a safe, time honored way of preparing the mind to be touched by the infinite. This process of expansion takes time to develop and master, since it connects so many complex and interwoven energies and states of consciousness that lead to the feeling of being one with all being. 

10. What are the basic teachings of yoga?

a. The first is subjective approach with objective adjustment. This means to see the guidance of your inner spirit first and then to use that insight to meet the demands of the external world. The opposite often occurs, where individuals accept guidance from outside first and then listen to their inner self later (or not at all)--often causing great distress, because the self has been compromised by following the wrong voice--the voice of someone else, an "in groups," or a mistaken authority figure--not the voice of conscience and integrity.

b. The second is to practice non-injury, kindness in thought and speech, respect for other people's property, attachment to Spirit, simplicity of lifestyle, cleanliness, contentment, service, study of scripture, and surrender to Cosmic Consciousness.

11. How old is the teaching of Yoga?

It is about 7000 years old. It was systematized by a great Indian teacher named Shiva, who made no distinction in class, age, gender, or ethnic background.

12. Is Yoga a religion?

No. It claims that there are many paths to Self-realization and that all paths should be respected, as long as they do not harm others.