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Programs & Events
Programs & Events - Fall '08 to Spring '10
Faculty Colloquium Series
February 10, 2010 2:00-3:00pm, Milne 105
Cyril Oberlander
Associate Director Milne Library
"The Future of Reading"
February 3, 2010 2:00-3:00pm, Milne 105
Dr. Carol Long
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
"Intellectual Engagement in the Digital Age"
Other Programs
Crossing the Language Barrier in Service-Learning
January 28, 2010 9:00-10:00am, Milne 208
Professor Lavinia Bracci
Director, Siena Italian Studies Center
Sienna, Italy
The TLC and Office of International Programs are pleased to sponsor a workshop by Professor Lavinia Bracci explaining the strengths and weaknesses of the Siena Italian Studies Center. Professor Bracci has been a long time friend of the Geneseo college community, and has hosted many Geneseo faculty and students in Tuscany for many years.
An Introduction to Mindfulness and Mindful Educating
November 19, 2009 10:30a-12:00p, Milne 208
Dr. Douglas Guiffrida, Ph.D., NCC
Associate Professor
University of Rochester
Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Mindfulness is a state of conscious, non-judgmental, present-focused awareness. While Mindfulness has been used for centuries by Buddhists and other spiritual traditions, the core ideas have relatively recently been applied in a wide range non-religious settings, including medicine, psychology, and education and a growing body of research has supported the efficacy of mindfulness in these areas. This workshop will provide a general overview of mindfulness, discuss research supporting its effectiveness, and describe how mindfulness can be integrated into pedagogical practice to improve educational outcomes. An opportunity will also be provided to participate in two brief mindfulness activities.
Click Here for Mindfulness Educating PowerPoint
2009 RIT Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning
Wednesday, May 27th and Thursday, May 28th at RIT Inn and Conference Center
We are looking forward to seeing you at Rochester Institute of Technology's 10th annual Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning(FITL). Our conference is designed to recognize, share and celebrate the excellent work occurring on campuses, while exploring new research and application. This year, faculty from SUNY Geneseo, Nazareth College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Syracuse University, and Ithaca College will also be presenting and attending the RIT conference.
ALL ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER FOR FITL, supplying basic information (name, college, etc.), which will enable us to plan hospitality and create name tags.
For those that attended past FITLs -- we have a change this year. There is no registration for individual sessions - instead, we are offering open seating sessions on a first come, first serve basis.
To plan your time at the conference, view the latest FITL Schedule and Session Descriptions at the registration site. We will also provide a full catalog of descriptions in your registration packet at conference check-in.
Registration is now open! It will close on May 18th, 2009.
Registration for FITL for regional colleges (pdf)
University of Dayton Chautauqua Courses
Chautauqua Short Courses are an annual series of forums in which scholars at the frontiers of various sciences meet intensively for several days with undergraduate teachers of science. The courses provide an opportunity for invited scholars to communicate new knowledge, concepts and techniques directly to college teachers in ways immediately beneficial to their teaching. The primary aim is to enable undergraduate science teachers to keep their teaching current and relevant to today's world.
DAY-19 and DAY-20 will focus on Energy Sustainability, and Climate Change. Currently there is much national discussion on green energy and on global warming. These courses provide an opportunity for faculty members of any discipline to get a solid scientific understanding of these issues to they can educate their students for the present and the future.
April 09
Environmental Sustainability Panel Discussion
April 22nd, 1:30-2:30p, Milne 208
Students in Distress Workshop
April 10th, 2:00-3:30p, Newton
Counseling for Non-Counselors
April 9th, 1:30p Milne 208
Study Abroad Faculty Orientation
April 8th, 1:30p, Milne 208
The Office of International Programs is planning a meeting to share information about conducting study abroad programs at Geneseo. It will be an opportunity for informative discussion among faculty who have experience in running programs, as well as an opportunity to learn about what is new in the Office of International Programs.
Assessment Through Multiple Intelligences
April 7th, 11:00a-12:30p, Milne 208
The Teaching and Learning Center welcomes Dr. Ellen Arnold, Ed. D. to present "Assessment Through Multiple Intelligences". This workshop will be a follow-up to Dr. Arnold's initial presentation earlier this semester on "Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom", and it focuses on how we can use our knowledge of student learning styles to design effective assessment strategies. This workshop will be hands-on and interactive so you will leave with a multitude of ideas you can use immediately.
Assessment Through Multiple Intelligences PowerPoint
Deliberative Dialog Workshop
April 6th, 7:00-9:00p, Seneca Hall
March 09
Advising Brown Bag Series Session 3: Study Abroad and Study at other Colleges
March 27th, 11:30a-12:20p Milne 208
Deliberative Dialog Workshop
March 30th, 4:30-6:30p, College Union 330
March 26th, 11:30a-1:30p Milne 208
Advanced Wiki
March 11th, 1:30-2:30p Milne 208
National Survey of Student Engagement
March 5th, 1:30-2:30p Milne 208
National Survey of Student Engagement (pdf)
Sustainability Initiatives
March 4th, 1:30-2:30p Milne 298
February 09
Understanding SOFIs
February 17th, 1:30p-2:30p Milne 208
The Teaching and Learning Center will present an informal panel discussion on understanding SOFIs. Dr. Julie Rao, Director of Institutional Research, will do a walk through of using the online system. Drs. Anne Eisenberg and Gary Towsley will discuss how the SOFIs are used by the Faculty Personnel Committee. Please come to get your questions answered.
Click the link below to download, save, and listen to an mp3 file of the workshop (~1hr 29 min, 73 MB).
Introduction to the Geneseo Wiki (click here to view flyer)
February 10th, 11:00a- 12:30p Milne 208
Dr. Paul Schacht, Interim Associate Provost, presents an introduction to the Geneseo Wiki. This workshop will be very helpful for faculty interested in using collaborative assignments in their courses.
Click the link below to download, save, and listen to an mp3 file of the workshop (~ 1hr 30min, 82 MB).
Academic Advising Brown Bag Series Session 2: All Things Connected with Graduation (click here to view flyer)
February 6th, 11:30a - 12:20p Milne 208
In the second workshop, Dr. Kerry McKeever and Ms. Kathy Gibson-Moore from the Dean of the College's office discuss the procedures and requirements advisors and students need to know prior to graduation including: Pre-Grad checks, WebCAPP, and the Grad App.
Feb 6 Graduation Advising Requirements (mp3)
Multiple Intelligences in Your Classroom: Strategies for Success (Click here to view flyer)
February 5th, 12:00p-1:30p Milne 208
Students learn in different ways. Therefore, professors have multiple intelligences in their classrooms. Learn how you can easily integrate multiple intelligences into your lessons, lectures, syllabus and homework assignments. Understand how you can use this understanding as a formula for successful learning. This workshop will be hands-on and interactive so you will leave with a multitude of ideas you can use immediately.
January 09
Advising Brown Bag Series Session 1: Academic Standards, Dismissal and Probation (click to view flyer)
January 23rd, 11:30a-12:20p Milne 208
In this first of four workshops, Drs. Kerry McKeever and Tabitha Buggie-Hunt from the Dean of the College's office discuss the process and support mechanisms involved for students on academic probation.
Jan 23 Academic Standards, Dismissal, and Probation (mp3)
December 08
Learn how you can use deliberative dialogue as a pedagogical tool to deal with controversial aspects within the discipline. Members of the deliberative dialogue committee will discuss how to run a deliberative dialogue, and experienced deliberative dialogue moderators will offer their services to help facilitate dialogues in the classroom.
November 08
Rob Piorkowski, "Overview of Online Teaching and Learning" (Click to view flyer)
November 24th, 1:30-3:00p Milne 104
Rob Piorkowski is the Assistant Director of Online Learning for the SUNY Learning Network. Rob will lead a workshop on the best practices for developing an online course, and how this form of pedagogy can be used to come up with a student-centered approach for teaching.
Students in Distress
November 21st, 1:30-3:00 in Newton 213
This is a mandatory workshop for all faculty. Lenny Sancillio, Beth Cholette and Jim Stenger will present facts on how stress and depression affect students.
Dr. Doug Guiffrida, "Preparing and Supporting African American College Students"
November 21st, 12:00-1:30 pm in Milne 109
Dr. Guiffrida is a professor and licensed counselor from the University of Rochester Warner School of Education. In this workshop, he will discuss his research focused on understanding the experiences of African American college students attending predominantly white institutions. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop effective strategies to support and retain these students.