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Dance Course Offerings
Dance Course Offerings:
DANC 100 : F/Introduction to Dance
A survey of various styles of dance, selected from ballet, modern, jazz, tap, ethnic, and folk. Included are the historical background of theatrical dance, experience with dance technique and choreography, Labanotation, films on dance in various societies, demonstrations of lighting and costuming, dance criticism, and the contemporary scene. (Readings and attendance at on-campus performances or films is required.) Offered every semester. Credits: 3
DANC 100 : F/Introduction to Dance
A survey of various styles of dance, selected from ballet, modern, jazz, tap, ethnic, and folk. Included are the historical background of theatrical dance, experience with dance technique and choreography, Labanotation, films on dance in various societies, demonstrations of lighting and costuming, dance criticism, and the contemporary scene. (Readings and attendance at on-campus performances or films is required.) Offered every semester. Credits: 3
DANC 101 : Ballet Dance Technique I
Basic principles and movement techniques of classical ballet. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken twice.) Offered fall, even years; and spring, odd years Credits: 0-2
DANC 102 : Modern Dance Technique I
Basic principles and movement techniques of leading styles of modern dance. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken two times.) Offered fall, odd years; and spring, even years Credits: 0-2
DANC 103 : Jazz Dance Technique I
Basic principles and movement techniques of leading styles of jazz dance. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken two times.) Offered fall, odd years Credits: 0-2
DANC 104 : Global Dance Technique I:
Basic principles and movement techniques of various folk or ethnic dance styles. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken twice under different subtitles.) Offered spring, odd years Credits: 0-2
DANC 105 : Methods in Body Conditioning:
A study of a method of body conditioning, such as Pilates, Bartenieff or Yoga, based on a unique system of stretching and strengthening exercises that tone muscles, improve posture, provides flexibility and balance, and unite body and mind. Offered spring, even years Credits: 0-2
DANC 199 : Directed Study:
Credits: 1-15
DANC 201 : Ballet Dance Technique II
Principles and movement techniques of classical ballet on an intermediate level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken three times.) Prerequisites: DANC 101 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered fall, odd years; and spring, even years Credits: 0-2
DANC 202 : Modern Dance Technique II
Principles and movement techniques of leading styles of modern dance on an intermediate level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken three times.) Prerequisites: DANC 102 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered fall, even years; and spring, odd years Credits: 0-2
DANC 203 : Jazz Dance Technique II
Principles and movement techniques of leading styles of jazz dance on an intermediate level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken three times.) Prerequisite: DANC 103 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered spring, even years Credits: 0-2
DANC 204 : Global Dance Technique II:
Principles and movement techniques of various folk or ethnic dance styles on an intermediate level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken twice under different subtitles.) Prerequisites: DANC 104 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered when demand is sufficient Credits: 0-2
DANC 211 : F/M/CulturalDance-Asian People
A study of classical, contemporary, and folk dance traditions of Asia as they relate ritual, artistic, religious, social, political and philosophical influences. Attendance at on-campus theatrical performances may be required. Offered every spring Credits: 3
DANC 221 : F/Global Dance History
A study of the history of dance from its earliest record through the 19th century considered within the context of political, social and cultural conditions of various historical periods. (Attendance at dance performances will be required). Offered fall, odd years Credits: 3
DANC 222 : F/Dance History as a 20th Century Art
A study of the history of dance as an art form considered within the context of political, social and cultural conditions since 1900. (Attendance at dance performances will be required). Offered every spring Credits: 3
DANC 230 : Dance Kinesiology
A study of the sensory, skeletal and muscular structures of the dancer's body and their use in the development of various styles of dance. Particular attention is given to the student's formulation of a movement style based on personal sensory and structural characteristics. Prerequisites/Corequisites: DANC 101-104, DANC 201-204, or DANC 301-303 and permission of instructor. Offered fall, even years
Credits: 0-3
DANC 250 : Classical Ballet Technique: Pointe
Basic principles and movement techniques of dancing on the tips of the toes ("sur les points"). Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken two times.) Prerequisites: 2 semesters of DANC 201 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered spring, odd years Credits: 0-2
DANC 260 : Creative Dance for Children
Credits: 0-3
DANC 265 : Dance Ensemble
Development of proficiency in dance performance through rehearsal and presentation of various forms of dance. A concert is presented on-campus each semester. Admission is by permission of instructor following audition. (May be repeated for credit. A maximum of eight semester hours in DANC 265 may be applied to a degree.) Prerequisites/Corequisites: DANC 101-104, DANC 201-204, or DANC 301-303. Credits: 1
DANC 299 : Directed Study
Credits: 1-3
DANC 301 : Ballet Dance Technique III
Principles and movement techniques of classical ballet on an intermediate-advanced level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken two times.) Prerequisites: DANC 201 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered fall, even years Credits: 0-2
DANC 302 : Modern Dance Technique III
Principles and movement techniques of leading styles of modern dance on an intermediate-advanced level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken two times.) Prerequisites: DANC 202 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered fall, odd years Credits: 0-2
DANC 303 : Jazz Dance Technique III
Principles and movement techniques of leading styles of jazz dance on an intermediate-advanced level. Participation at dance concerts, reading and writing assignments, and video evaluation will be required. (May be taken two times.) Prerequisites: DANC 203 or an equivalent and permission of instructor. Offered fall, even years Credits: 0-2
DANC 331 : Dance Composition I
An introduction to the content and structure of dance composition as an art form. Improvisation, rhythm, design, dynamics, phrasing, and production are emphasized. Prerequisites: DANC 222 and 4 credits from DANC 101-105, DANC 201-204, DANC 250, and DANC 301-303 or permission of instructor. Offered every fall Credits: 0-3
DANC 332 : Dance Composition II
An intermediate course to develop the choreographic abilities of the student. The application of the standard choreographic procedures is stressed in the development of group ballet, modern, or jazz composition. Prerequisites: DANC 331 or permission of instructor. Offered spring, even years Credits: 0-3
DANC 340 : Studies in Dance:
An upper division course exploring issues in dance from a research perspective. Subtitle topics include dance notation, dance aesthetics, methodology of dance education, research in dance history, dance criticism, contemporary issues in dance, film & video, and movement analysis. Prerequisites: 4 credits from DANC 201-204, 250, 301-303, 222 or permission of instructor. Offered spring, odd years Credits: 3
DANC 365 : Dance Ensemble II
Proficiency in dance performance through rehearsal and performance of dance at an advanced level. A concert is presented on-campus each semester. Admission is by Permission of Instructor following audition. (May be repeated for credit. A maximum of four semester hours in DANC 365 may be applied to a degree.) Prerequisite: 2 credits from DANCE 265. Corequisites: DANC 101-104, DANC 201-204, or DANC 301-303. Credits: 1 (0-3) Credits: 1-6
DANC 395 : Internship:
Credits: 1-6
DANC 399 : Directed Study
Selected study or research in a field of specialization in dance, under the direct supervision of an assigned departmental faculty member. 1-3 semester hours. Credits: 1-3
DANC TRE : Dance Elective:
Credits: 0-6
Information excerpted from the Undergraduate Bulletin