Summer Sessions

Summer Sessions

Summer sessions at SUNY Geneseo are the perfect opportunity to get ahead or stay on track. Online, in-person and study abroad courses are available. Students can take courses for general education, to fulfill requirements for their major, receive internship credit, take a directed study, work toward a graduate degree, or explore the world with study abroad.  

You don't have to be a SUNY Geneseo student to take classes at SUNY Geneseo. Information about summer registration for SUNY Geneseo and non-Geneseo students is available from the Registrar's Office.

Summer session undergraduate classes that have fewer than seven students enrolled may be cancelled by the Friday before the session starts.  

Session Dates

Full Summer (12 weeks): 5/19/2025- 8/15/2025
First Quarter of Summer (3 weeks): 5/19/2025 - 6/6/2025   
First Half of Summer (6 weeks): 5/19/2025 - 6/27/2025
Second Half of Summer (6 weeks): 6/30/2025 - 8/15/2025
First Third of Summer (4 weeks): 5/19/2025 - 6/13/2025
Second Third of Summer (4 weeks): 6/16/2025 - 7/11/2025
Final Third of Summer (4 weeks): 7/14/2025 - 8/15/2025

Summer 2025 Information