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Shared Governance

Shared Governance

Shared Governance refers to the combined and collaborative efforts of the College Council, Faculty Governance, the College Administration, and the Student Association to manage the affairs of the SUNY College at Geneseo.1

The Geneseo College Council

… has advisory, regulatory, and advocacy roles.2  The Council recommends to the SUNY Board of Trustees candidates for appointment as President of the College.  It reviews and makes recommendations on all major plans of the College President, and it makes regulations governing the conduct and behavior of students.  With the exception of the student member (the President of the Student Association), the ten Council members, including the Chair, are appointed by the New York State Governor.

The College Administration

led by the President of the College, is responsible for all operations of the College, including all non-academic policies and procedures.  The Administration is organized with five major Divisions, each led by Vice President: Academic Affairs, Finance and Administration, Student and Campus Life, Enrollment Management, and College Advancement.

The Faculty

… has primary responsibility for the educational program of the College,3 including curriculum, instruction, and research programs.4  Its governance structure is defined by the Constitution of the Faculty.The Faculty includes all professional staff, both academic and non-academic, and is led by an elected Presiding Officer and five faculty officers.  The College President is the Chair of the Faculty6 (as distinct from the Presiding Officer of the Faculty), with final authority for academic policies and programs.

The College Senate

… is the representative governing body of the Faculty,7 through which much of the work of the Faculty proceeds.  As well as academic department senators and at-large faculty senators, the College Senate includes many students and administrators as full members.  The official record of Faculty Governance is the College Senate Bulletin.

The Undergraduate Student Association (SA)

… is purposed for the advancement and development of undergraduate student life,8 including allocation of funds from the student activity fee to various student-centered services and programs.  Student senators to the College Senate are appointed through SA. The SA governance structure is defined by a Constitution.  SA membership includes all undergraduate students, who are lead by an elected President and an Executive Committee.

Reference Material

  1. AAUP Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities (AAUP Statement)
  2. Handbook of the Association of Council Members and College Trustees of The State University of New York, section "Powers and Duties"
  3. AAUP Statement, section 5; Policies of the Board of Trustees (BoT Policies), Article X §4
  4. BoT Policies, Article VI §3
  5. BoT Policies, Article X §5
  6. BoT Policies, Article X §2
  7. Constitution of the Faculty, Article II, Section 3
  8. Student Association Mission and Values

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