SEFA 2024: Pledging Online
For your convenience, SEFA donations are a continuous gift and no longer require an annual renewal.
If You Would Like to Make a Change to Your Ongoing Pledge
Go to the website:
- Select the "Submit Your Pledge Now" button
- Select your work region/location - Greater Rochester (#866)
- Enter your work email
- Select "Continue"
- You will receive a "Thanks for Registering" page, that instructs you to click on the link in the email that was sent to you from SEFA NYS ePledge
- Click the link in the email sent to you from SEFA NYS ePledge Registration Confirmation
- This should take you to the "GIVE NOW" page where you can "Update" your annual gift
If You Did Not Pledge in 2023
Go to the website:
- Select the "Submit Your Pledge Now" button
- Select your work region/location - Greater Rochester (#866)
- Enter work email
- Fill in personal contact information
- Enter "NYSDeptID" - 28190-SUNYGeneseo
- Enter NYS Employee ID number (should begin with NO_________ )
- ID is located on your paystub
- Select "Continue"
Make your pledge
- Select "Payroll Deduction" your donation directly taken via payroll
- Deduction Start Date: this is the date that deductions for this pledge will start being taken from your paycheck
- This should be pre-filled with Jan 01, 2025
- Enter Deductions Per Pay Period - $ Amount
- Enter Number of Payroll Deductions
- choose 1 for a one time payment
- choose 26 to have the $ amount deducted each pay period
- Choose the agency or agencies of your choice and designate the amount for each agency
- Verify your personal information is correct
- Choose whether you would like to receive an acknowledgement letter from your designated agency(s)
- Select "Confirm"
- You can choose to "SignOff" or "Print"
In the event that you prefer not to use the online system, you are welcome to submit a paper pledge form or make a contribution via check. Contact Christie Reed at x5501 or if you need the paper pledge form/check contribution.